
Missing login information to Authorize.net and Shippo via Weebly

We have linked service to Authorize.net and Shippo on our weebly site. However, we found out that we do not have login information to Authorize.net and Shippo's main page? There supoused to have a default account created by weebly?, at least we do not registered on both service page, to get those services. We tried to contact weebly support to help us retrieve our account, but they do not have these information(username, passward, email), either. Then, we tried to call Authorize.net and Shippo support. Again, since we do not have those certain information, they can not verify our account and help us reset. Any ideas?

Message 1 of 5

Thanks for your post, @DoWell_Labs.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, exactly. Authorize.net is providing card processing for your checkout but isn't used for creating labels or for real-time shipping. Are you trying to print shipping labels or set up real-time shipping?

Message 6 of 5

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply. @Adam  It is actually 2 different issues that we asume relate to a same problem.

At first, we need to refund an order via weebly but it failed. We tried to contact Weebly support and it turned out that it could be Authorized.net settings, the customer service rep suggested us to refund through Authourize.Net. Therefore, we found that we do not have access to Authorized.net, no user name, no passward, no email address. Try many combanations but did not work. We tried to cantact Authorized.net support, however, since we could not provide infomation to recover our account, can not find it anywhere on our weebly settings,they could not help us reset our account.

Then, we have our first order after upgraded for USP real-time shipping, there is a printed label need to be refund. Again, the weebly support ask us to do it on Shippo, and we found that we do not have any login info for Shippo account.

Is there a default account that weebly created for us to linked service for Authorize.net and Shippo? 

Message 6 of 5

Unfortunately, I can't see any account information about Authorize.net or Shippo, so I don't know anything about the accounts at either place. If you didn't log into existing accounts for each when first setting things up, then I would both accounts to be under the same email address used for your Weebly account.

Message 6 of 5

Same here. We don't have any account information about Authorize.net or Shippo. Thanks for your reply, @Adam . We will see what we can do.

Message 6 of 5