
Hoe hebben andere nederlandse webshophouders hun vervoerskosten geregeld?


Ik ben nog druk bezig met het inrichten van mijn webshop.

Ook ik mis IDEAL als betalingsmogelijkheid voor Nederlandse klanten en heb net de oproep gesteund.

Een ander punt waar ik tegen aanloop is het volgende: ik wil graag één vervoerder voor het verzenden van mijn pakketjes met handgemaakte unieke sieraden. Ik ben nu in gesprek met DHL. De pakketjes binnen Nederland en Europa zijn nog wel te betalen, maar buiten Europa is eigenlijk onbetaalbaar (zo'n 60 euro).

Heeft iemand advies hoe ik dit het beste aan kan pakken.

Groeten Mirjam

Message 1 of 5
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Hi Eoin,

Thank you for your answer, but i'm i bit confused now. I thought you have to choose between DHL, FedEx or UPS? And you are sending very cheap i think with Deutsche Post!

Our national postal service (POSTNL) offers international shipping with tracking and insurance for a cheaper rate than the other services, but that's not an option i thought? 

The best solution i can think of at this moment is that i'm going to use DHL parcel for the Netherlands/Europe on my business account and for shipping outside Europe my private account. (Than it costs 24 euro instaed of 60 or 65).

I send an email to weebly to ask if this is ok and fits in the system?


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Message 5 of 5

Hey Mirjam!

U kunt verschillende verzendkosten tarieven voor verschillende regio's. U kunt ook de scheepvaart tarieven alleen beschikbaar voor bepaalde producten. Voor meer info, zie dit gedeelte van onze Help Center:


Message 2 of 5

Hi Adam,

Thank you for your reply but I understand how to set up my shipping. My question was more about rates. I wrote in dutch because i hoped i will get a reaction of a dutch webshop owner who would give me some advice how to deal with shippingrates outside of Europe. I'm used to send my jewellery with a dutch company insured and with track and trace, but never send anything outside of Europe. Now with my shop i have to choose another shipping company. I have asked all three of them (DHL. Fed Ex, UPS) what the rates are. I think for me DHL is the best. Shipping in the Netherlands and Europe is not the problem. But the shipping outside of Europe is soooo expensive. For instance if  i want to send a ring outside of Europe, insured and with track and trace, it costs about 60 euro. 

Hope someone could give me advise what to do.

Thank you


Message 3 of 5

Hi Mirjam,

We also ship to countries outside of the EU and Europe and it is quite expensive. The webshop we run is based in Germany and the cheapest solution for us is Deutsche Post for international shipping (though DHL is cheaper for large domestic packs). I don't know if they operate in the Netherlands but we are able to send packages up to 500g (maxibrief) for €6.50 with insurance + tracking vs €9.15 for DHL, international shipping. 

Maybe your national postal service offers international shipping with tracking and insurance for a cheaper rate than the other srvices? 

I have no idea if this information will help you at all, but I hope it does.

Best Regards,



Message 4 of 5

Best Answer

Hi Eoin,

Thank you for your answer, but i'm i bit confused now. I thought you have to choose between DHL, FedEx or UPS? And you are sending very cheap i think with Deutsche Post!

Our national postal service (POSTNL) offers international shipping with tracking and insurance for a cheaper rate than the other services, but that's not an option i thought? 

The best solution i can think of at this moment is that i'm going to use DHL parcel for the Netherlands/Europe on my business account and for shipping outside Europe my private account. (Than it costs 24 euro instaed of 60 or 65).

I send an email to weebly to ask if this is ok and fits in the system?


Message 5 of 5