
Disaster: Lost all the items (25) entered which took a week to set up on Weebly- Very Disappointing

Dear Support,

This is Urgent. Please help

I spent almost a week entering 25 products using weebly on  www.synodmedicalcentre.com

I received a strange email saying:

Dear [removed personal information],

We'd like to follow up with you about your request.

On Oct 8, 2020 Weebly received a request from you to transfer all of your personal data (as defined under applicable law).We're writing to confirm that we have collected all your personal data and are ready to transfer it to you via a secure link.

I am recommend Weebly to all my friends and this is the first major incident, so your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Please note I NEVER requested this so I presume it is a case of mistaken identity.

Please help as I want my listed products back please.

I have copied the site after I entered the products few days ago but I don't know how to retrieve it.

Your urgent help is appreciated.

Thank you


Message 1 of 4

Hi there. I think I responded to a post you submitted after this saying that everything is okay? Can you please confirm? Can you also confirm who sent the email to you? The verbiage does not look familiar to me. Thanks! 

Message 5 of 4

Hello Bernadette,

Please see below the message received from weebly. I am surprised as I never asked for this info. Are you able to clarify this matter. Thank you, Londoner

Dear [personal info removed]

We'd like to follow up with you about your request.

On Oct 8, 2020 Weebly received a request from you to transfer all of your personal data (as defined under applicable law).

We're writing to confirm that we have collected all your personal data and are ready to transfer it to you via a secure link.

Your export is available at the following link, when prompted please enter the password [password removed] to access it.

[link removed]

This link will only be available for 30 days after you've received this message. If you would like to retrieve your files after this time, you must submit another request.

- The Weebly Team

Message 5 of 4

Did you go to the My Data tab in your account settings and click the button there to request your data, @Londoner?

Message 5 of 4