
Address Line 2 Not Transferring to PayPal When Redirected

So, when I go to order I go to Checkout. When I click Checkout it brings me to a page inside the shop where I type in my address, as seen in this screen shot...Inline image 1
As seen in the screen shot I put my apartment number into the "Address Line 2" box.  Then I click Next and it brings me to the Shipping method.  I choose my shipping method and click "Next" again.  This brings me to a message on my site for Payment Information that says I'll be redirected to paypal...as shown in this next screen shot...Inline image 2
I click "Next".
I am then brought to the Paypal login page.  I log in with my personal account (not the business account I use for my shop).  At this point you can see that the address carried over is missing that "Address Line 2" box information...in this case the Apartment number.
Inline image 3
So I click the "Change" button.  When I click this button a message pops up that says, "This is the address provided by OVERMOUNTAIN GEAR, LLC. You can change it on the OVERMOUNTAIN GEAR, LLC site."  I then try to go back to the site and refill in my address information and go through the same process but get them same result. 
The reason that I started looking into this is because I've had two cases in the last week where someone ordered something and the address on my weebly store account site that shows up in "Orders" had a full address with an Apt or Suite number, but then when I printed the shipping label from Paypal, which is what was used to pay (in conjunction with my weebly site) the label printed up and was missing the "Address Line 2" information.  One of them I caught before shipping out, but the other I did not catch and thus it will not make it to the appropriate destination.  I was under the impression that paypal worked seamlessly with weebly.  Is there a fix for this?  Thank you for your time.



Message 1 of 3

Hey there! Our team has identified the issue behind this, and we're working on a resolution now. If you haven't already, you may want to contact support directly, as they'll be able to update you via email as things progress.

Message 2 of 3

I had already contacted support via the chat/email.  They responded asking for screen shots.  I sent screen shots.  I never heard back after that.  A few days went by and I sent a message back to the support person who had asked for screen shots to see if there was an update.  No response.  It has now been over a week without response back so I have switched to a different companies E-commerce platform and will be canceling my Weebly account.  We paid a decent amount of money for the "business" plan on Weebly and something as simple and imperative as the Address Line 2 field should function correctly. 


Message 3 of 3