
Insert a full HTML page in a Weebly site

I have a HTML page that I did outside Weebly, it includes a pure html file and an assets folder with figures. I would like to insert it as a page in a Weebly site that I have. It can either be the full html page (wihtout the header, footer... from weebly), or this page that I did could be embeded in the site (with the header, footer... provided by weebly).

Due to the dependencies in the assets folder, I cannot simply embed the html code with the html Weebly embeding tool. Unless there is a way to upload the dependencies as well.



Message 1 of 11
1 Best Answer

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@Davi once in a while self help with the help of google does wonder

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also it seems that you are struggling with your html stuff.  If the stuff you want to do is important to you then Perhaps you need to hire some competent designer to do what you want to do.

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Message 12 of 11

@Davi what kind of dependencies?

Message 12 of 11

Hi @bobafett , the dependences, in my case, are image files. If I only paste the html code itself, the images would be inaccessible. 

In more general situations, it could be other files, not only images. For instance, a Keynote presentation can be exported into html. The output is a html file and a folder with several different files depending on the slides content. This case is more complex. At the moment I am only thinking about images as dependencies.

Message 12 of 11

@Davi you can move your image files in asset folder and give its path name whenever you need them.  That's how I have done, but may be I am still not understanding you.

Message 12 of 11

@bobafeet, thanks. I've not yet tried your suggestion, but this method you said should work. However, it seems to be very time consuming.

If I understand well, I will have to individually upload the images, look for their corresponding paths in weebly after the upload, edit the html code to match those paths, and then embed the edited html code using the weebly button for embeding html code.

Isn't there a faster approach? One which does not change the relative paths of the figures, such that it will not be necessary to change the html code?
Message 12 of 11

@Davi :  How are you referencing your images currently?  You don't have to upload them in weebly.  As long as you have the image url for images stores anywhere on the web.  

Message 12 of 11

@bobafett , I uploaded to dropbox a zip file that contains a simple example of a code I would like to insert in weebly: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2eynaz0zxpkah6/Testhtml.zip?dl=0

The zip file includes a test.html file and a folder called test.assets that includes two figures. The figures are called from the html file using relative paths. So whenever you put everything together, it will work. 

What is the quickest way to insert this html content in weebly?

Message 12 of 11

@Davi you will just have to try yourself.  I can only point out the direction.

Message 12 of 11

Hi @bobafett , after looking further, I have the impression that what I really want to do is not possible within Weebly. I cannot insert a full HTML page done elsewhere. I tried to upload it within Theme> Edit HTML > Assets folder, but HTML files seem not to be accepted (it is uploaded, I save my theme, but it is automatically removed afterwards). If I could upload a HTML page into some folder, the Assets folder for instance, I could in principle link to it within my site. A possible solution is to upload this HTML page elsewhere (it seems github provides for free this feature, I still have to test if it meets my needs), and insert a link to it in my weebly site.

Anyway, @bobafett , you touched on a related issue that I find interesting: that it is possible to upload new figures in the Assets folder and link them in the weebly site. Indeed I could upload a figure in the Assets folder without a problem. However, how do I discover its path, such that I can link it? Thanks.

Message 12 of 11

Best Answer

@Davi once in a while self help with the help of google does wonder

read this thread


also it seems that you are struggling with your html stuff.  If the stuff you want to do is important to you then Perhaps you need to hire some competent designer to do what you want to do.

Message 12 of 11

Thanks! The provided link has the necessary information on the path. I tried it and it worked with the figures.

About HTML files, they can be uploaded, but they are automatically removed from the assets or assets/image folder.

With this solution I can use the weebly "code embed" tool to embed the page I did externally. It is one of the possible solutions of the problem. For a full HTML page,  not one embeded in the site, I think at the moment that the best answer is to publish the page elsewhere and only link it from Weebly.

So to achieve the goal of publishing an HTML page done outside weebly that depends on local figures, the woking flux would be:

1. Upload all the relevant images to Weebly's assets/images folder (or a subfolder, if the user prefers to create one)

2. Edit the html file by replacing all the image addresses in order to match weebly's proper path (i.e, <img src="/files/theme/images/FigureFileName.XXX" alt="figure description">)

3. Use the Weebly "Embed Code" tool to paste the HTML code.

4. Publish.

Message 12 of 11