
Site Speed - Critical Issue for SEO

Looks like Weebly keeps deleting my question here regarding this issue (why would that be?). Here is my post again:

Hello, Weebly? It's been months (probably over a year by now), are you going to finally address the site speed issues of your platform yet? Or are you just going to continue intentionally ignoring this CRITICAL SEO ISSUE and just hope that all of the websites that use your platform don't lose all of their organic traffic and rankings when Google really ramps up dinging slow websites in 2021 (Google has explicitly said that this is currently a critical component to SEO and will become even more important going into 2021). Also, stop with the whole "I tried your site on my home wifi and it seems fast to me" argument. Your users on here are talking about the "search engine bots", and it is what the search engine bots think (not what humans think or see) that's important here, because it is things like the Google Bot that will wreak havoc on our businesses if nothing is done about your site speed issues. We currently are unable to make any of the changes necessary to fix the rampant site speed issues of the Weebly platform (slow server site issues, render blocking javascript, etc). It is 100% in Weebly's power to do something about that, and so far your silence on this issue has been unacceptable. Do you just not care? I would like to know, because that will be my deciding factor on whether I move to a new CMS or not. I've been using Weeebly for over 4 years now, but my business depends on organic traffic and at this moment Weebly's inaction on this issue is biggest threat to my businesses survival going into 2021. Please say, or do something! If you plan on not doing anything about it, please just say that so that we all know to begin the process of migrating our websites elsewhere. Thank you!

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Thanks for reposting, @DanceMaster. I actually moved your other post over to a thread about speed improvements, that way if we post any updates there you'll get notified.

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Thanks @Adam! I appreciate that. Hopefully we can get some answers from the Weebly team soon on this before time runs out.

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