
Welcome to the Neighborhood, Weeblies!

Hi, new friends!

Welcome to the Weebly Community - we're so glad to have you here. Please feel free to poke around as you see fit. Ask questions, answer questions, provide feedback, and suggest new ideas to make Weebly great! We want to hear from you. 

Let's start small! Say, with an introduction and mention of your Weebly site?

Give a warm Weebly welcome to everyone who joined us in the last week: 

@12345, @123alberto, @29, @2Fishes, @4delegende, @666Deadknife666, @6mateurz6Gamin6, @8888, @aang345, @ab1, @abacus1345, @abbdullakahn, @abderrahmane123, @Abhishek29449, @acckidsintow, @ADSDobeš, @Aero-ua, @afdfgadg, @afmonths, @agenthackit, @agirlandhercat, @Aicie, @akeyser3, @akr37, @alandon, @AlanWelch, @albirni, @Alex212, @alexmj88899, @alexr, @Alissok, @alusoare, @amhardin, @ammiebrown, @AmyDavis, @Amyelizabeth107, @Andi, @AnjodaNoite, @AnneALP, @Annie17, @annieintc, @antlopjr, @AOGJobs, @april_hamels, @aprilsmyth, @Apyro, @aratidesign, @argylos, @ARML, @artelsebastian, @atherhog, @avellio, @Awdhraz4, @B-EXOTIC_2016, @baerkatherine, @Barcelona, @Barks, @Barri_Sue, @Batescp, @BBBeautyQueen, @bcelibrary02, @bdub1975, @beautyqueen, @Belle1, @Belson-Design, @bendeefan, @bentbear, @BFL, @BGBinCO, @BheadBandanaz, @binaanish, @Binkrose, @bmoore5, @bnebens, @BOAFShoppe, @Boggie, @Boodah1211, @BoylanPJ, @Brandi22, @bren, @brennecker, @bresciani, @brettbrooks, @brewfest, @bri_weebly, @brittinipaige, @browncalicocurt, @BS07, @Btdclanleaders, @bubbles, @buildyourdreams, @burnvale, @BusinessBroker, @busykinderteach, @BWeis, @bwreed90, @ca, @Callista_C, @Cameron, @CamillaDMT, @Caranikki, @carlaobee, @CarmenP, @Carteloni, @CatandAnnie, @catherinejean, @causemedicated, @cawoodco, @cckenagy, @CED1, @cfrancis, @Charlier, @CheerQuest, @CherraYang, @Childsplay, @Chosoojin, @Chris_Maksymiw, @CHTA, @cj2, @cknight44, @clapalake, @Cleverchember, @coachsyikin, @CoiceONe, @communications, @Complaints, @ConnerGehrke, @Conor, @cookiesbyfaz, @coolgirls, @copper-lens, @CoryS1200, @CourseOfHope, @CourtneyAdams, @CrazyCatLady, @CRosenbloom, @Crossroads, @csblue, @csrees, @CubaLove, @cultureseek, @cupofconocimien, @cyaxon71, @dacota1996, @dailywithyou, @Daniemae, @Darlazeltman, @dave_laroche, @DaveCoram, @davideb, @dawncai624, @DCG, @ddais, @debbieinfl, @Debyred, @deltaelec, @delwar, @DennisBloodnok, @Desso, @deztiny, @dffff, @di3, @DiggaGlass, @digsco, @disha, @dmannell, @Domdom, @Donnsart, @doubleM, @Dqniii, @Dr_A, @dsue, @dtwells2001, @Dusty, @DvdS, @e3umar3us, @ECPR, @edspanishtt, @Efisher93, @egidio1955, @EJ1, @ElaineB, @eleshav4, @Elinhampton, @elisenbanks, @emjay, @emmanuel7, @emmanuelcamejo, @Erik3745, @ErikWis, @ERINWILLIAMS, @eseramur, @fafalab, @FardinElias, @FatiTouta, @FaviolaValdezJ, @fbizz, @FeelFreeCoop, @FG, @FG, @Filomena, @fine, @FionaL, @fiveyenn, @FLNOW, @flsportswoman, @fotomecrazy, @Foundation, @foxandrobin, @FoxandWolfGames, @FPC, @francynephotog, @Frank213, @FreeDlz, @FreeRichGT, @fresh, @freya, @Frssan, @FTS, @CreativeCat, @g-zen, @Gaijin, @gavaresse, @gdragon8, @gekosbsville08, @GeneraMiracle23, @GENII, @georgia159, @gerardo, @GFAUnDead, @ghansenpc, @GHW, @Gilson, @ginewong, @girlesgonewild, @gldngrl, @gloria, @gooden321, @grafia, @GraimReaper, @gramtan, @Gretchen, @GUIDAMI, @gurdwaracouncil, @gvis11, @gyi8825, @hackerpro2017, @hado, @Hajjar, @HALSTON, @HE, @HE, @heidi, @HESHYT, @Heyho, @hichamsss, @hitlerdz2016, @HollyIWI, @Honar, @hrshepherd, @Ian_MacMillan, @IanB, @IANCHRIST, @Ida, @iglesiampa, @Igroponciki, @iiaowens, @ilasabba, @illya, @InediChrono, @ing, @inSyncforlife, @IntentionalJoy, @intp_artist, @iteach, @Ivie, @J-, @J_Lemure, @Jackson0225, @jacobdrake1234, @JaimeGarry, @jakub709, @jamespape, @jampenas, @jamye, @jasonH, @jbuck, @JCB, @jennychic, @jeremiah, @Jess-apease, @Jettapoot, @Jettapoot1, @JHig, @Jhouyee, @jillk_uwmcm, @jimdice, @JKI, @JL1, @jld, @jmarwah, @jmeylemans, @jodyb2016, @jodyem3, @joeylechuga, @johnconrad, @johndark60, @jojo62, @jok, @AstuitOne, @jonesla97, @joseluis3030, @joshfarley, @JPMinicar, @jprnll, @JRachelley, @JuanJoseGriego, @juliver, @julyaccessorize, @jus1029, @justgiddy, @Justinlative, @juvabri, @JVernon, @jvollman, @Kalli, @Kamala1, @kamani74, @Kap, @KarenWysopalART, @KarinIdaJohanna, @katelewis10, @KateQPR, @Katie4, @katramsburg, @Katyurban, @kaycee, @kazawoodfurnitu, @kcolem93, @kcp, @keithemerson, @kellipedsrn, @Ken7, @kesadler, @kevindong, @khaughton, @khemarathachson, @KhietPham, @khristiotto, @Kikirn, @klsolnick, @kmonroe4h, @KnickKnack, @knowthyworth, @kostya, @kotography, @kristyriffe, @krizzle, @kronosnatacion, @KseniaFenner, @ksvenson, @KW13, @ladybrat67, @lakeridgecheer, @LAM, @lanami_tw, @LanierElemen, @LC333, @LC_MCKINNEY, @leiad, @Lerpa, @lgj24, @LH, @liam102030, @Linda1, @LindaDias, @LindsayW, @LindyGal, @linzlia, @lisabenedict, @lisalove, @lisaveemusic, @Lithium, @littlevimi, @Liz_, @LKorte, @lmeacham11, @Loading-mind, @lodgelover, @Louieisasnail, @louiseinlondon, @lovetosing, @lucian, @lucky4look, @luckyme9, @Luckyone, @luftundraum, @lukaspascual, @Lupin_III, @lupitalalucecit, @luxtone, @lynbayliss, @Lynnegas, @lynnemackenzie, @LynnZ, @MadelynJayne, @maheshmlv, @mainerplus1, @maisondesmeuble, @makeupforever, @maladi777, @mandhtreasures, @mandyjk, @Manic, @Mantra63, @marcela02, @markg, @martinezK, @marwa, @mattykimbo, @Maurocity, @mazam, @mcastlemusic, @mcchandler77, @mcolumbus, @MDCoaching, @MediMeisterHan, @mel0765, @melissa1, @MelissaHovey, @melissayshin, @mellyjo2000, @melsb, @memorysmith, @MFgaming, @michal, @MichiganEstate, @MikeAtNeches, @MikeW, @milandada, @Minke, @Minty_27, @Missbee, @mistyrabbit, @mittaubin, @miumiu, @mjc1801, @mjdez, @ML1, @mlangdon, @mm55, @mmidori, @mnb, @mohamedelsherbi, @Mojo, @Momabear, @MontannaBartsch, @mountainmom, @movementtips1, @movies, @mpsjazz, @mrburger, @MrsAPS, @MsCastillo, @msjmichelle, @mslowee, @msphoebs, @MtValley, @LylaAbbasi, @Muffin, @murve, @MusicELiAMt, @mutts, @MYEwebsites, @Mykolas, @Mz11235, @nannyfranny, @naomiellyn, @natbobs2, @NaturallyPretty, @navin, @nbassing, @Neat, @nepaltrekking, @Nestor-Gleane, @new2this, @Newbly, @newfashionbd, @NextGenScholars, @nicholas4852, @NicolleMichelle, @nikb, @nikhil, @nivalis, @Nti, @nurkhairusy, @obbo489, @Olinda, @om_powered, @omelnyk, @ONTATIOIGUANAS, @OTTOFOX

Continued in the comments...

Message 1 of 12

@ourdailystuff, @owtoeging, @P3DP, @paleolowdown, @Panzamad, @paola85, @PassiveModding, @Peachtree1, @Peggy, @perky, @peterlee10, @PhantomRouge, @phpdevelopment, @picasso0912, @PICI, @pickles, @pictor57, @pirzius, @pjamas75, @pjmillslondon, @Pookie2, @poppins, @porchamason, @praveen, @PROLIFICCLOUDS, @PROMMARKETING, @Proverbs, @PSNAppZ, @PV, @queencitybullie, @RADONNAF, @Ralpha2569, @Ran, @ratheesh, @rawsome, @Ray167, @Rcjr, @RedFighting, @Reece, @relvin, @reminore, @RenanDresch, @Renkly, @Restlessindesk, @restlesspup, @Rginsberg2, @ricardo, @ricardoduran, @riKu, @RILEYPEARSE, @Rinesa, @RLC, @rnagroups, @rnotif, @roadmom, @ROBENERGY, @roberteoff, @Robikuttan000, @rodichw, @roger1, @Roger3625, @rongee, @ronsmart, @Rosalee, @Rosemary, @rotariobqcentro, @rubyf3, @ruetraining, @runaspism, @rutibarsinai, @ryancrone05, @Sacred333, @sacs_consultant, @safety, @saka, @SALAUDDIN, @SallyR, @salmon360, @samkalea, @sandrad3130, @SarenaKay, @SassyGoodies, @scott1, @seanbarrowa, @sergiobugarin, @sergioruizh, @ShadowxPara, @Shelagh, @sherryp, @Shirley, @ShoeBar, @Sidranbenders, @Siesisabelle, @Simbaz, @Simbo, @SirensPROD, @sirkrammer, @sjlspencer, @slim2423, @smilacktx, @sobkrates, @solegalore, @solutioncog, @SophieAreli, @southislandcf, @adimplere, @Sportsonlive, @springalaxyj, @SpuddRok, @SS6, @ssbml, @SSM, @st_king77, @SterlingWave, @storker, @stormcoldspring, @Stormwolfe, @strangetownrp, @Styledbysok, @STYLN, @Sue14, @Sue22IA, @suvithk1_vck, @SweatlifeFilms, @Tatianak78, @tbc664, @techbill, @teenmarian, @TEMPhotography, @texs, @texx, @th, @th3bo22, @Thaicoen, @thaismarques, @thanush, @ThatCanadian, @Thc-ay, @thecyentist, @theholygeek, @themkdiva, @Thescoop, @TheWardsters, @thLullaby, @Tim_Grekov, @tjohn, @Tlamkin2, @toniq, @toyotabienhoa, @Travelista, @TreeofLife, @Trinahon03, @Trumpetchief, @Tui, @tyler29, @ucsccki, @upg, @user, @vaish_2006, @Vampingo, @Vaso, @vassistwales, @velvetnose, @venky, @veteransignwork, @vicchor, @Vicky_Boechler, @vickyr715, @vicsavoy, @victorianelson, @victors19799, @vikijohnson0, @Vinther, @viveksuthar, @vk131098, @vladimirmytiko, @VN, @VompeX, @vrosmurillo, @VRpasaulis, @waad, @walker1, @warkm, @WeCustomTs, @westsideyoga, @wheelguyeric1, @whybother, @williamacie, @Windy, @winspire, @winstwebsite, @Wishes4, @woakley, @Woozworld-Mods, @WWU_BSN_Student, @xeonheart, @xTheKrakenx, @yobanir, @YrdenWu, @zepemej, @zgbeast, @zimbosa, @ZO, @zocha, @zone1901, @Zoomin

Thanks, again! I'll see you around soon.


Weebly Community Manager

Message 6 of 12

Hi! I am Marilyn and I have a site where I show my one of a kind Sliver handmade jewelry. www.marilyncookdesigns.com
I love how easy it is to design a site, but I also will be looking forward to learning new ways to promote it and have the help of the community here. Thanks!
Message 6 of 12

Thanks, Erin

Despite this being an introduction thread, I've already posted a few comments elsewhere on these forums, so I'm already getting a feel for the community here.

I am, amongst other things, a photographer, and I have been building up an online portfolio for a while. However, I reached some of the limits of using photo-sharing sites (in my case, 500px.com), and decided to put together a site of my own where I have far more control of the look, feel, functionality and message. I chose Weebly largely because, from my research, I felt the compromises between cost, ease of use and enforced branding were most suited to my needs. In fact, the third of these quickly became irrelevant when I upgraded to a paid account, and I was able to strip out Weebly's branding altogether anyway.

As for the site itself, the focus is, of course, primarily on publicising my photos. Although I am happy to try my hand at all sorts of subjects, I naturally gravitate towards wildlife and countryside shots. I have been described as a bit of a romantic (in the poetic sense), largely because my photos tend to seek out the beauty in the world around us rather than trying to deliberately challenge or shock people. I have entitled it "A Moment Frozen" as a result of fellow photographers seeing a theme throughout my work of capturing fleeting instants rather than carefully setting up and composing shots.

If you feel interested to come and take a look, you would be more than welcome. I hope you enjoy it.

Message 6 of 12

Why thank you dear Erin! It's great to be a part of this new neighborhood! Smiley Very Happy

So I'm Fiona Louise, I have fiona-louise.com and helptohealyou.com

I also created and manage several sites: 1) for a charity: insightendometriosis.org.nz 2) for a holistic fitness studio positivelyfit.weebly.com (although sadly the owner has sold the business and so I'll cease to manage it from August 1st, and 3) I'm currently creating a website for an amazingly talented commission artist, Bruce McLachlan. When that is up-and-running it'll be brucemclachlangalleryart.com and 4) a networking group interconnect.weebly.com

So I'm now an author, natural therapist, and studying Educational Psychology. In my former life I was a marketing and management buff, hence the marketing/social media management mentioned above!

I love weebly because it is so easy to create professional, fun, and fresh sites, and whenever I have a question, they are always happy to help. I started out with free sites and upgraded, and have not regretted the decision. So... looking forward to checking out your sites and being a part of this community! Smiley Wink

Message 7 of 12

Thanks for the introduction Erin

I'm Matthew Kimber, Matt or as a lot of my friends call me Kimber, I set up my first ever website a few months back www.kimberskitchen.co.uk I love to cook and make cocktails and that's where my page started. I made a cocktail for a friend at work who loved it and shared the recipe , someone said "you should create a website" and there it all began.

Since then it's grown a little! My other hobbies are in there as well as a large range of voucher codes by the main suppliers I use for my hobbies, cooking and cocktail ingredients. I'm trying to learn about seo at the moment as some of my pages get a few views a week where as others hundreds!


Message 8 of 12

Message 10 of 12

Hi, I'm Jody, and my site is part blog, part resources for mental health issues. You can find it at mentalhealthopenandraw.weebly.com. I am always looking for guest bloggers if anyone is interested you can find me on twitter @onelastkick71. Thanks, and welcome to all the new members. Be well.

Message 12 of 12


My site is the home of Harlem Swings!  Our goal is to get and keep Harlem teens Lindy hopping, and keep the multigenerational Harlem Lindy hop community dancing despite rising rents, and fewer and fewer venues where the community can dance to live music.

Lindy Hop was invented by a group of highly talented teens at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem in the late 1930's, and became a world dance craze that continues to rage to this day. 

We are friendly with The Frankie Manning Foundation.  Frankie Manning was the teen who was the choreographer of the professional dance team Whitey's Lindyhoppers, that took the world by storm with dance concerts across the globe, and Hollywood films.  All the men on the team were drafted after Pearl Harbor, and none of them were recruited to the entertainment corps. 

Frankie served honorable and achieved the highest rank possible in S.E. Asia.  He was invited on stage at one U.S.O. show, to Lindy hop with Betty Grable.  When the war was over, popular music had changed, and his revived company had fewer performance opportunities, so he quit dancing professionally and went to work at the Post Office. 

In the mid-80's, his films were rediscovered by people across the world reviving the Savoy version of the dance, and he retired from the post office and started a second career, and became known as the Ambassador of Lindy Hop.  On his death bed, he requested a foundation be formed to keep African American youth, and those without access to Lindy hop education, Lindy hopping and learning. 

We honor that mission, in the city he dazzeled the world, by striving to keep the dance hot & kicking for youth, the Harlem lindy hop community, and it's seniors.


Message 12 of 12

I want to find a quick way to send a link to 2015-2016 parents with photos from the school year.  I have one day.  Can you give me quick directions for this? 

I have started a website on "basic free Weebly" but have not published it because I want to be sure I take the right steps to keep it private and not make a mistake to make it public before it is ready to share with my parents.

Please point me in the right direction for steps to do this.

I will then work on setting up for Fall 2016 class Weebly Site.

Thanks for your help, Erin and Community!


Message 12 of 12

Message 13 of 12

Hi Erin!!

Thank you for the warm welcome! 

My name is Sandy Douglas, I'm a mother of 4 and stay at home Nana of 2. I've always wanted to blog and after becoming ill and learning what I needed to do to regain my health, so I decided to start a home based business for health and wellness to help others so I'm learning as much as I can to do so! 

Sandrad3130 is my website...I'm still building and trying hard to figure it all out but I know I'll get there!

I look forward to interacting with you all!!



Message 13 of 12