
Separating sites

I maintain two sites on one weebly account. Is it possible to separate those? So that I can add admins to one website and not to the other?

Down the road, it may be necessary for me to take one site with me - and leave the other for the organization I work for to manage.

So, is it possible to separate two sites that have been created on the same account? Theoretically, to transfer one site to a different account without having to rebuild it?

Message 1 of 10

Hey @msr222!

We can transfer a single site to a brand new Weebly account, although if you're only looking to add editors to one site you won't need to move it.

Open the site you want to add editors to in the Editor, then go to the Settings tab.  Click on Editors, and invite anyone you want to give editing rights to.  They'll only have access to this site, and if you've upgraded the site you can also limit how much control of the site you want to give them (free sites are limited to only full admin access to the site).


Message 2 of 10

Thanks, Adam.

And if I wanted to transfer it to a different account to eventually give control to someone else completely?

Message 3 of 10

@msr222 wrote:

Thanks, Adam.

And if I wanted to transfer it to a different account to eventually give control to someone else completely?

We can handle that for you from our end. If you end up decideding to do that let me know. Robot Happy

Message 4 of 10

Hello Adam,

I have two websites too and I want to have on of them in a new weebly account! what should I do?

Best regards


Message 5 of 10

To have a site moved to a new account please contact our support team and they can move the site for you:


Message 6 of 10

Hi Adam,

Can you tell me the process, how long it takes, and what is required from our end?



Message 11 of 10

It's a pretty quick process as long as there are no complications. First we need permission from the account owner to move the site. We also have to receive confirmation that the site owner is aware that stores do not move. This means that all products, categories, orders, etc will have to be downloaded via csv. The store will then have to be recreated in the new account. While you are able to upload the csv to quickly restore content, it's possible you may have to replace/re-upload the images for the products. Any apps that were purchased in the first account will have to be repurchased in the new account. You can try contacting the third party app developer to see if they are able to move the service from one account to another. Any per-site hosting plan will move with the site, but if the site was using an older plan (like account-wide hosting) the new user will need to purchase their own plan. Also, some of our older accounts are able to connect an external domain to a free site. This feature will not carry over to the new account, and if the domain is not registered with Weebly a paid plan may be required before publishing. 

Once the approval to move the site is received the agent will move the site into a brand new account. Then they will email the new owner with a temporary password and set them up with any services they may need. Hope this info helps! Smiley Happy 

Message 11 of 10

Hi Adam

I have the same problem. I want to separate to accounts which I have not quite understood how they joined together. Could you help me? I tried to change the emails but when I change the email to one accound it is changed to the other too.The email I use: [removed personal information]

The 2 connected accounds



Thank you!

@Bernadette wrote:

It's a pretty quick process as long as there are no complications. First we need permission from the account owner to move the site. We also have to receive confirmation that the site owner is aware that stores do not move. This means that all products, categories, orders, etc will have to be downloaded via csv. The store will then have to be recreated in the new account. While you are able to upload the csv to quickly restore content, it's possible you may have to replace/re-upload the images for the products. Any apps that were purchased in the first account will have to be repurchased in the new account. You can try contacting the third party app developer to see if they are able to move the service from one account to another. Any per-site hosting plan will move with the site, but if the site was using an older plan (like account-wide hosting) the new user will need to purchase their own plan. Also, some of our older accounts are able to connect an external domain to a free site. This feature will not carry over to the new account, and if the domain is not registered with Weebly a paid plan may be required before publishing. 

Once the approval to move the site is received the agent will move the site into a brand new account. Then they will email the new owner with a temporary password and set them up with any services they may need. Hope this info helps! Smiley Happy 

Message 11 of 10

Hi @HrisaKarag I believe you are referring to a site in your account and a site you are a contributor for. These sites are already in separate account, though. Are you trying to remove your access from the contributor account? 

Message 11 of 10