
How do I transfer an existing domain over to Weebly?

Hi may I have the IP address so that my registered domain can be pointed to weebly?

I used to be able to simply 'transfer' but now there's a charge of $39??


Message 1 of 4

Hello @Kaylene !

There are two different ways to connect an external domain to a Weebly site.  You can point the domain, which means changing the records to point to Weebly's IP address while continuing to maintain your domain at your current registrar.  Following is an article with step-by-step instructions on how to do so:


The other option is to Transfer in the domain, which would actually fully move the domain from your current registrar so that the domain would then be housed within your Weebly account.  This is a relatively new feature at Weebly and wasn't a possibility prior to this year.  There was never a way to previously transfer a domain for free - that would have been pointing the domain rather than transferring it.  There is a cost associated with transferring, but it also adds an additional year onto the domain registration when it transfers in.  We can only accept .com, .net, and .org domain transfers at this time.  To initiate a domain transfer, you would go to the Domains tab within your Weebly account and select the Transfer button, which will walk you through the entire process.

Message 2 of 4

I am currently looking to transfer my existing domain name from Square space to my Weebly account. 

How do I do so? and How much per month will I be paying once it is transferred? I attempted to upgrade my weebly account and it stated a "monthly" charge, but when I went to pay it wanted the entire year upfront.

Message 3 of 4

@TCanty wrote:

I am currently looking to transfer my existing domain name from Square space to my Weebly account. 

How do I do so? and How much per month will I be paying once it is transferred? I attempted to upgrade my weebly account and it stated a "monthly" charge, but when I went to pay it wanted the entire year upfront.

The current cost to transfer a domain is $19.99, and you'll pay that once afterward to renew the domain.  We have a guide on how to do this in our Help Center which should help: 


Message 4 of 4