
Need Help Cleaning Up Messy Header (and Site)

I have been asked to help update a website created by someone else. The website is at eagledar.org. When I try to edit the site, there is a button (National Society...) in the header. I don't see a way to grab it to delete it, and I don't want to mess up the eagle image in the header. 

Also, I have viewed the website on two monitors. a tablet and phone. It looks different on each device. Please see the attached screen captures. Eagle1 is how it looks on my 27" iMac (no text in the header image; text is off to the left side). Eagle2 is on my 32" monitor (text and National button are mostly in the blue header area, but hang off to the left). Eagle3 is on iPad. This one actually looks the closest to what I see in Weebly edit. Eagle4 is on my phone and the site has a completely different header image--no eagle, gray instead of blue header background; it doesn't look anything like the others. How can I clean this up so we have a consistent look across devices . . . and no button in the header area?

Thank you for any help you can offer!

imageEagle1--iMacimageEagle2--32" monitorimageEagle4--iPhoneimageEagle3--iPad

Message 1 of 7

  • Have you tried making the Website Title "National Society Daughters..." smaller? Can you cut down the title length somehow?
  • Do they have a logo instead you can use?
  • What Theme is being used and is it customized?
  • If this is not a customized theme, have you tried changing the theme, saving then going back to that the same theme? 
  • Sometimes the Weebly editor can be finicky, have you tried logging back in and then seeing if you can grab the button element?
  • Are you hosting the website directly on Weebly or third party like Bluehost?
Message 2 of 7

Thank you, enlightworks, for taking the time to look at the site and comment.

  • I shortened the website title considerably.
  • There is a logo, but I think those involved would prefer to use words.
  • How can I tell what theme is being used and if it is customized?
  • I have logged in/out multiple times, and nothing changes. I can bring up the Button pop-up menu when I click the corner of the problem buttom, but cannot grab the button itself to delete it.
  • The website is hosted on Weebly.

I would be more comfortable editing and changing themes if I could be sure I would not lose the eagle image now showing in the header. I do not have access to the image, so don't want to lose it.

Any idea why a completely different image (skyscrape vs. eagle) is showing when the website is viewed on an iPhone?

I think when I first started with Weebly years ago I could duplicate a site, giving me a version to play with. I don't see such an option now.

Again, thank you for your input. Any further suggestions or comments will be much appreciated.

P.S. I had trouble signing in for two days, and just this morning finally got signed back in under moosetrax16, my original name. I am the same as moosetrax99. Sorry if that add confusion to the mix.

Message 3 of 7

You don't need to actually change themes to fix the mobile header issue - go to the Theme tab and click on "Use Updated Theme", then re-publish. You'll retain the same theme and header images on desktop, but your mobile site will be a responsive version of the desktop site instead of looking different.

Message 4 of 7

Hello MooseTrax16

Sounds Adam may have a fix for the consistency issue between the mobile site and desktop site since it sounds like from Adam's suggestion you might have an older Theme you are using that used separate mobile and desktop versions.

If you are able to "Update your Theme", this could help you with grabbing the Button? Have you tried hovering over it and did you get the red x box? 

If you do not want to update anything because you are afraid to loose the Eagle Image, you can do an Inspect Site on the published version and get the image that way. Just in case you do not want to, here is a link to the image itself. You may want to download it so you have it. 


Message 5 of 7

Thank you Adam and enlightworks.

When I attempt to update the theme, the preview shows it looking like this:


I realize I will have to do some updating on each page, but is that eagle image from the existing site going to work with this design where the header spans the width of the page?

Thank you, enlightworks, for grabbing the eagle image for me. I'm a lot more willing to experiment having that in hand, but still somewhat hesitant because I think there is a point of no return.

I appreciate the suggestions from both of you!

Message 6 of 7

The updated theme might have an option on the Theme tab to not use full-width content areas, although I don't remember for sure. When you switch to an upgraded theme like that, there'll be a button to use the previous version again in the same place. 

Message 7 of 7