
Font size issues

I have a problem with the font size for the item titles and prices in the item list, originally I didn't choose any size and the size was good enough for a while, because once I chose one size, I am not able to go back to the original one anymore, the list shows 4 size options (from title 1 the biggest size to title 4 the smallest), of course I picked the number 4 thinking it was the small size I previously had, but no, that size is too big, I don't see any other option to fix it, and there's no way to reset it, how can I go back to the original right size? Please, I need advise, since I don't like how my website looks. Thanks! 

Message 1 of 8

@GG_Store When you highlight text within a Weebly text element, you'll see the floating text editor bar. On that bar the item "Tx" means remove any added formatting from the highighted text. So any formatting like font size changes, italics, bolding, color, etc. will be removed and the text will revert to its default paragraph text state.


Message 8 of 8

@PaulMathews Hi, thanks for replying, unfortunately that option doesn't work for me, since what I need to reset is the title and price font size for all the items I sell and shows in the item list page, I don't type product names and prices manually for my website, so they are not considered text, they just show when I add and make a new product available, so I can not highlight them, I use the editor bar to choose the font and size I want for titles and prices of my products and it automatically change all of them (I added below a photo 1 to show it, zoom to see it)

(Photo 1)


In regards to the kind of font it is working good, the problem is the size of them, the smallest one is big (I added a photo 2 to show how the font size originally was looking, and another photo 3 on how big it is currently looking) I need a way to go back to how originally the size was or reset it. 

(Photo 2)


(Photo 3)


Message 8 of 8

@GG_Store Sorry, didn't realize you were using the Square site editor rather than the Weebly site editor.

Message 8 of 8

The font should automatically update once you change the setting. Are you able to choose a different size, and does it change for you? I'm also trying to understand where photo 2 and photo 3 are coming from. Are those screenshots from the same page url on different dates? 

Message 8 of 8

Hi, that's exactly the reason why it became an issue, I changed the font setting to a different size just to try and it applied, but when I decided the smaller size works better for me, and I chose Title 4 which it is supposed to be the smallest one and it applied as well, I noticed it wasn't that small as originally it was, I was using the default Font Size which it's smaller than the Title 4, once you choose a size, that default size completely dissapears, I think the default Font size should be an option or add an extra smaller size as "Title 5", or at least let me reset it to the original, below I added a photo 4 of another similar option, zoom to se it.


Now, about the photo 2 and photo 3, those are photos taken on the same day but one is from home page and the other one is from the item list page, unfortunately I can not show you the "before the change" item list page screenshot because I don't have one, once the change applied, that's it! This is the only way to show you the difference, my items list page (photo 3) fonts should look exactly the same size as in my home page (photo 2) and they are not.

Message 8 of 8

Hmm.. I don't see any way to reset the font to default, but you can try reaching out to the support team. A rep can check with advanced support to confirm if this is working properly or if there's any known issues. You have the Square editor, so the support center will redirect you to Square's end. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the Help Center and click "ask our support assistant". Type in your question, or a phrase like "speak with a rep". The bot will have you confirm if you have an account, then you'll see an option for Square Online Store. Once you click this you'll see a link that will direct you to the ecom team support options. 

Message 8 of 8

I am having this same issue! Did you ever figure out how to resolve it?!

Message 9 of 8