
Difference Between Post and Publish

I have had a blog on Weebly for years. Been off for some time due to family stuff. Now I'm back. In the interim, things have changed...naturally. It used to be that clicking on the 'Post' button gave me a preview of my work, but did NOT publish to the live site. To go live I had to click on 'Publish'. Now, it appears that 'Post' immediately puts everything out there live. Is there a difference between 'Post' and 'Publish'?

Message 1 of 4

Hi @Dogtiredintexas What is the name of the blog post you are editing? Do you remember how long it's been since you edited your site? It's definitely possible things have changed and I'm not familiar with the old behavior. 

Message 5 of 4

Hi Bernadette - I started a new website last week, strictly for my family to use. Building it required lots of postings to get things right. I'm using a blog page format so that the most recent post is on top. Most of the time when I created a new "test" post, I clicked on 'Post' in upper right corner and the thing immediately went live. Other times (rarely), after hitting 'Post' a screen would pop up saying something to the effect that I still had to click on 'Publish' in order to go live. I don't understand why it is not consistent. This website is called Jolly Family Ties.

My old website is Signs on the Side of the Road. I've not published on that in over a year, due to on-going family stuff. Back then, I hit 'Post' to be able to preview things, then hit 'Publish' to go live. 

I don't like going live right after 'Post'. I like being able to preview things. When it goes live and I don't like it, then I have to un-publish the website (essentially take it down for maintenance) by going to the settings page. 

I must be doing something wrong, or not understanding the new protocols. Would appreciate any insight you can give me.



Message 5 of 4

It sounds like some of the editing you are doing is for the website where you'd use the Publish button on the top right, and some of what you are doing are actual blog posts, which have a "post" button when you are done. If you click "post" for a blog post and it prompts you to publish the site, that means that your site hasn't been published since you added the blog page to your site. Since there's no blog page on the published site, we then need you to to publish the site again so there's somewhere for that blog post to be seen.

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