
Website "Not Found" If Security Certificate Activated

Last week when I looked up my website, I got the "not found" message when googling myself. In other words, my website appeared to be down or not exist at all.  I called Weebly Tech Support and was instructed to change the end of my DNS settings at Network Solutions from .99 to .72 (which I did). I was then told to wait 24 hours for the new settings to propagate through the system.

However, within twenty minutes of this call I received an email from Weebly Support instructing me to revert my DNS settings back to .99 from .72 (which I also did).

Since that time my website has ostenisbly been down, Weebly Support did mange to get the website to appear, allowing me to click on the address after a search and open my site, but it would now show as "Not Secure" in the address bar. I was told that it was a 'bug' in the system, and that if I reactivated my Security Certificate in Settings to make the website secure, that my website would no longer show up, or would lead to a "website not found" error when clicking the link. That was on Thursday, October 29th. 

Today, is November 1st, and there is still no fix. I can only have my web site up and running without a Sercurity Certificate (i.e. 'Not Secure' appears at the beginning of my URL address).

What I would like to know is how long should I expect this to continue? Am I to assume that my business website will now just have to say "Not Secure" for everyone attempting to access our page? Is there any timeline on getting this  issue resolved, or am I just expected to continue paying for a website serivce that offers unsecure web page settings to its customers?

From my understanding with the Weebly Support Tech rep, this is a bug related to DNS settings of .99 and that there are a large number of people affected with this problem besides myself. However, I'm yet to find a posting online (or in any Weebly forum) regarding this issue. So, if anyone else is having this problem, I'd defintely like to hear from you, as we may have strength in numbers when it comes to getting Weebly to act and correct this issue more quickly than it's currently doing.

I'm open to hearing any thoughts on this issue....


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Message 1 of 6

Since this is a bug there is nothing support can do until the engineer team resolve the issue. Bugs that impact multiple sites/accounts tend to be prioritized higher, so I imagine the team will have a resolution soon for you. Thanks in advance for your patience. Smiley Happy

Message 3 of 6

Oh! Thank you for saying! I was trying to understand what's happening and why I can't access my website. I was just about to list in on directory but if it comes with not secure message nobody will click on it. I enabled the certificate ages ago and it was fine. 

I hope it will be resolved soon or I need to use a different website builder! 

Take Care


Message 7 of 6

With your site, @krevabar, I was able to restart the certificate renewal and it looks like it completed successfully this time. Let me know if your site doesn't show as secure!

Message 7 of 6


Last week this issue was "apparently" fixed, as I received a couple of emails from Weebly stating that the "bug" issues had been worked out, and that my "Secerutiy Certificate" was good again. This worked fine for about a week. Then, this morning I woke up with the same issue - my website is again showing as "not secure."

Can someone please tell me when this is going to be fixed again, or when when I can expect my website to show "secure" once again? (This is becoming very frustrating)



Message 7 of 6

Assuming I'm looking at the correct site (it's the one using your custom domain), the site is showing as secure for me, @Charles10. Is a specific page that was showing insecure, or all of them?

Message 7 of 6