
Uploading Avatars issues and suggestions

What image types are accepted for avatars? I only ask because I keep getting an error. Gif finally worked. I recommend that you include information about the file types are accepted and the maximum dimensions for your avatar. That would make it look it's best. Lastly, the maximum size the file can be. Then we will not have to waste much time. 

Linking to an avatar maker would be great. That way any image can be made into an avatar. There is a site that I use called http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ that makes it easy to take any picture and turn it into an avatar. For this Weebly avatar I used 175 pixels. 

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Hey, Owly!

Thank you for your feedback, and I'm sorry that you had some trouble with the avatars. 

I will certainly find out more about avatar limitations and make a quick post about that. Your link is also very helpful, and I'll make sure to include that as well.

If you come across any additional issues in the community (or have more feedback to share), please don't hesitate! We're so glad to have you here.

Thanks, and enjoy your day!


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Hey, Owly!

I did a bit of research, and it looks like these are the file types we can accept as images in the community: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png. What file types were you trying to use before the .gif worked for you? 

As far as size goes, the limit is 3072kb.

This week, I am going to make a short tutorial for avatars and profiles in general, and I will make sure to include the info I found.

Thanks again!

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