

Since I uploaded the new dashboard I have been unable to access a number of my sites and have been waiting nearly a week now for assistance. Anyone know what's going on with Weebly? Only am getting increasingly worried.

Message 1 of 18

Hi @wendychelt19 The new dashboard is not affecting this. The teams are just a bit behind due to an overwhelming number of support requests. Is there anything we can try to help you with on here? 

Message 19 of 18

it's been a nightmare week here, with no access to most of my sites until I enlisted the help of an external developer who finally found a way of accessing my dashboards until the problem has been sorted out

please could you explain why Weebly has been dealing with so many support requests? I currently hold all my sites with you and am extremely concerned about the complete lack of information and feedback

Message 19 of 18

My own personal theory is the simple fact that businesses have been forced to find an alternative to in-person brick and mortar stores due to the current state of affairs. Everyone is doing what they can to move their sales online and a lot of people are new to ecommerce, generating inquiries to support. All of our teams are doing what they can to catch up on the queues and I would think the hold times should start leveling off soon. We've added additional support reps to the teams as well. They should be out of training and accepting questions from the general queues by now, so that will definitely help as well. I'm sorry again for the frustration and appreciate your patience and understanding. 

What was the issue with your dashboard? Were you having trouble accessing the site menu on the left side of the screen? 

Message 19 of 18

I need to know how to transfer ( copy) a site to someone that is will be signing up to Weebly.  I have wasted a lot of time trying to contact Weebly.  Given that I pay quite a bit per year, I am not happy.   I understand the new person signs up and then what?  I don't want to manage the site through my account or at all in the future. 

Message 19 of 18

Hi @Suzanne1 Site moves must be requested by an email support ticket. We can only move a site to a brand new account that we have to create on the backend. Meaning, you cannot provide an email that is already attached to an active Weebly site. Did you already submit a site move request to support? 

Message 19 of 18

Yes I did submit a ticket copied below.  I want to be told exactly, the steps to transfer the free site I created for a person who will be signing up. 

Re: I want to transfer a free site I created on Weebly to a person who has not signed up for Weebly yet.  See ticket I submitted below
Weebly Support <weebly@help-messaging.squareup.com>
Sun, May 17, 11:23 AM (4 days ago)
to me

Thank you for contacting Weebly and the Square Online Store team. We have received your request but please note that we are experiencing higher than normal volume and are working on responding to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!

In the mean time, please visit this guide with answers to common questions and links to helpful information.

If you have any additional information to add to this case, please reply to this email.

Weebly Support

Message 19 of 18

If weebly doesn't have phone support, how does this get set up on the back end?   I've waited hours on the phone...no answer.

Message 19 of 18

We do have phone support, @Suzanne1 but the specific request you need requires written permission. It looks like you submitted a ticket on the 17th and on the 19th. Typical response time is within 24-48 hours, although right now the email queues are a bit backed up due to heavy volume. The reps are working as quickly as possible and will respond to your request in the order it was received. Appreciate your patience in advance. Smiley Happy 

The main thing to keep in mind with site moves is that stores do not transfer. This is in reference to items, order history, business info, etc. If you setup a store within the site you are transferring, you will want to export the items/orders so that the store can be rebuilt in the new account. Grandfathered hosting plans will not move with the site (regular hosting plans will), but I believe you mentioned it was a free site. Other than that, everything will be taken care of by the rep. They will move the site and send a temp password to the new owner once the move is complete. 

Message 19 of 18

I can access the side menu, but it is expanded and won't scroll, so I can currently only see and edit four of my sites 

Message 19 of 18

STILL no formal contact from Weebly re this? and we are now at 12 days 

Message 19 of 18

I'm sorry you have not received a reply. I'm also very sorry I did not see your last response on Thursday. Based on the time stamps, it looks like you had posted while I was in the process of replying to the other user on this thread. Unfortunately, the browser did not update and I didn't see that you had also commented. 

What happens when you try to scroll on the left side of the screen? There isn't a scroll bar, so you will need to use a mouse with a scroll wheel. Or, if you are on a laptop, you can scroll with the touchpad. You can also use the "tab" button on your keyboard to switch between sites if you are using a mouse without a scroll wheel. 

Message 19 of 18

Hi Bernadette, it simply does not scroll any more - on any browser - and I can currently only access 8 of the 20 sites that I run. I also cannot now delete or add sites

If I hadn't had technical help from someone outside of weebly, who found a temporary work-around, this would have caused immense problems for many of my organisations and I am deeply concerned that Weebly has not been more responsive to the situation. It should not be left to the Weebly community to source solutions to urgent problems but, very sadly, I see from recent Trustpilot reviews that this is now a common situation. Please could you reassure me (and others) that this situation is not going to continue in the future. I see little point in having support services promoted if, in reality, nobody answers the phone and the email service is simply a set of automated responses that never result in a live communication.

It would be good to know who is actually in charge of Weebly's support services and how I could contact them directly, as this is also something that is worryingly difficult to find. For example, what is the head office main telephone number? Only I would really like to now take this to someone senior, as I presume they want to retain their (previously very happy, but now very concerned) Weebly customers. I am Chief Executive of two of the organisations that have been impacted by this and we have never experienced such a poor level of support before. And the COVID situation simply does not excuse this.

Message 19 of 18

What kind of mouse or trackpad are you using, @wnedchelt19? There's no scrollbar shown, but just putting my cursor over the list will allow me to scroll with my trackpad.

Message 19 of 18

Hi Adam, I am using a Mac Pro - and now very urgently need to access one of my other sites that I can't get into 

Message 19 of 18

just to say that it's the same on my husband's mac - so I presume that it's an Apple compatability problem - I just cannot beleive how long it is taking to sort this out and I desperately need a work-around

Message 19 of 18

I'm also on a Mac computer and have no trouble scrolling when I'm logged into your account. Does the TAB key on your keyboard allow you to move between sites? 

Message 19 of 18

Are you familiar with using Quicktime Player to create a screen recording? Perhaps if we see the steps you are taking it would help us with troubleshooting. 

Message 19 of 18