
Session Timeouts

Session Timeouts are getting annoying. Typically I can't write a poste in one sitting. Too many things I'm responsible for that interupt at a moment's notice. Weebly is the only site that makes me feel chained to my desk because the session expires and it doesn't matter if I'm writing a blog (no autosave) or a community post (autosave stops with session timeout, so, first step of a tutorial) and I submit, everything that isn't autosaved is deleted and back button "hacks"  (namely the spam back-button routine) don't work to bring it back.

What I've tried:

HTTPS does what it's supposed to do so retrieving the POST is useless if you can't decrypt it which means you better hope you don't have caching options as minimal as possible because dumpster diving into cache files is the only way I've figured out how to recover failed submissions since submitting appareing caches prior to encryption (which sounds like a big fsecurity issue if I'm ever on a public terminal now that I think about it). Lazerus, an add-on that autosaves all form data to it's own local database, is handy but it's no longer supported/maintained by the creator or anyone else that might have taken over. I shouldn't have to remember to copy everything, refresh, and then paste before I click submit.

Just a thought: When a session times out, could it activate listeners for basic input (e.g keypress+mousemove+scroll) to trigger an AJAX function to  renew a timedout session or even start a new session under the same parameters (importing the same cooking and session values under a new session name/id) to make it appear seemless on the front end? It's not like refresshing makes me re-login.

Message 1 of 6

How long does it take you to write a longer post for Community, @AngelXAces? Is it longer than 30 minutes? I had bumped up session timeout to something longer, but that was only a few days ago.

Message 7 of 6

lol way longer. I don't just write a bunch of stuff that I know to be true, With computer science, truth is relative to the environment. I cross reference everything to make sure that what I'm saying is still current and that some recent update that wasn't on my radar didn't flip my world on end (I would think it would be embarrassing to have you're tutorial corrected due to, idk, a recent update to jQuery making you new tutorial instantly outdated). So for example, that SEO post I wrote was roughly 3 hours of meticulous fact checking/updating old ideas, and integrating new ideas into the written piece because even my SEO skills had a healthy layer of dust on them (my pre-write took 30 min).

I never write about things that I don't know completely because I hate following instructions and finding out that someone's tutorial only works on the 2nd week of july, if there's a storm, and the president wears a toupe. Anyways that was 3 hours of actual work (net time) Gross time was more around 6 hours because I'm an ADHD nutjob that gets sidetrackedby anything. So side tracked, in fact, that the article actually started off as a simple response to a proposed idea about a second tier of keywords for blogs and how it wouldn't actually help SEO one bit. So I probably started around midnight. wrote, researched, checked community for anything I can link to or questions I can include in my article which led me to start on responses to a few different posts. . Every time I got to the point of double checking what I'm saying, I realized I've gotten sidetracked, and went back to my article leaving the other response tab open for later (more stuff that will potentially fall victim to possible submission through a dead session). I was proof reading and editing at around 6am (which is why you can't tell it's been edited and proof read even though it shows I went back and made edits). I had to do something that morning so I submitted it later.

Here's the thing though. You're looking at the version that I salvaged out of my own cache and submitted a while later. Imagine the feeling you get when after all that, you hit submit which ends up being a disguised eraser!

I can and have gotten away with forgetting an email is open and half written in a browser tab for days and even be on a different network than when I started and still send it without being required to re-login. same with social media. Weebly is the only place that I've come across where this is an issue.

Once again, sorry for the length, case in point. In writing this, I've responded to one post on my article from a nice staff member*

*At least they said they were a staff member @Brodie, I just play along. If your good they let you have candy or pet a puppy before the really fast van ride. *sniffle* once my charge starts fading its always the same fights. You have to be human to be in international traffic. or to traffic international, or something like that. I want to be a real boy @Adam! Why can't I play with the traffic Adam? Why? Wh... *Beep... Beeb... Beep*

PC Load Letter...

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Message 7 of 6

I am very passionate about web dev and design and I know that a lot of people here just want to slap their site together and move on to the parts they're passionate about. So even with fighting my own adhd issues and what not, I don't mind putting in the extra time to write a thorugh article to serve as a one-stop-shop for those who don't want to play with they're site and want to get to TPS reports quickly. Weebly community has been a place where I can throw things at the wall and see what sticks and practice getting my points out in a more condensed fashion (not my strong suit if you couldn't tell)

So ya, ultimately I'm not writing long posts right now, I'm writing brief term papers.

Message 7 of 6

Hopefully the longer session length should make a difference for your "term papers", @AngelXAces. Smiley Happy

Message 7 of 6

Lol Thank you. and oops, lets just say I had written a lot more than one reply to Brodie. He seemed to like my mid post I hope you don't mind my mid-post astrisk. (or post-post astrisk in this case), So I included him in one.  At least this time you got a Geppetto role in the the little parallel  universe in the text box. As far as I know, Queso's still digging through an endless supply of emails to delete one by one on his spare time according to the last one.

In any case, Here's my plans moving forward with stuff like those. (This is not a help request, rather a notice of intent) the rest of the site is still being created. You may look around if you like. Suggestions are appreciated an welcom as are critiques howver being a staff member its understandable If you are not permitted to comment in that mannor.

Thanks again, oh ya, I made my logo today, pretty much a vector from a glorified pain program. 

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