
Poor customer service

Help! I am not able to login into 2 of the weebly sites I have done for clients which are for legitimate businesses - one is for office services and one for landscaping services. i received no warning of any violations. Instead I cannot log in to either site or view them as a visitor and only see an "e313" message (which I have learnt means "banned") - why I ask? Neither sites have an offensive images or text!

Needless to say, my clients are furious and threatening to take their business elsewhere!! I notified Weebly on 8 Aug 2019 through the online chat and was informed that it would be "escalated". It is now 2 DAYS later but nobody has resolved this. I am not impressed with Weebly!

Message 1 of 10

Very sorry to hear, @Karley1. What is the name of one of the sites you are trying to edit? 

Message 11 of 10

Sorry also to hear that Karley. Unfortunetly this is to be expected with Weebly. The level of service is awful, I make a note of warning everyone I know about it. The last time my wife used the chat service to try and sort out an issue with my clustomers not being ale to log in, the staff were so insensitive they made her cry. They blamed her instead of taking responsibility. Thats what were dealing with. I was so angry. To date the issue is still not sorted and no attempt has been made to contact me to sort it out. If you search the commnity youll see that they do not care. As long as they have your money they just dont care. Wish you all the best. Hope you get it sorted.

Message 11 of 10

Thanks for posting about your experience, @theacademic. It looks like from what I read of your chat that you're being affected by a product review bug. Our engineers are working on fixing that, so it should hopefully be resolved soon. 

Message 11 of 10


Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply, I do appreciate it.
All I can say is that I am a newbie to building websites. However, since 2 of my sites are down for nearly a week, I am going to be building new sites on another platform. I cannot take this risk again! As it is, one of these clients has taken his business elsewhere so I have now lost some money and possibly tarnished my very new reputation. My feelings of disappointment and anger is at its peak. I see from the community forum, that others have experienced the same "e313" error so clearly this is a huge problem which Weebly needs to address urgently. The added fact that I didn't even get a warning that I was supposedly "violating" any rules is appalling. Both these websites are legitimate businesses and any violations that I may have incurred were inavertent on my part and should be clearly addressed when one signs up - not after the time, effort and expense is spent on completing an entire website!
As much as I enjoyed using Weebly, this is a deal-breaker for me, so I won't continue with them. So, if your top management is wondering why they are losing clients, my guess is this would be the number one reason!! You're welcome to forward my email to them.
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@theacademic  thank you for your comment. I am sorry that you have also had a bad experience. Well Weebly has gone and ruined my reputation and I'm only just starting out as a website builder! I am moving my business over with immediate effect - this is a real deal breaker for me!

One day, when Weebly goes belly up, they may just look back at the bad reviews and then realise why they didn't succeed. However, in the meantime, they just keep disappointing users and don't seem to care. Clearly they've forgotten that you need customers to keep a business going so good luck to them!

Message 11 of 10

I absolutely agree. Best of luck Karley1 I hope you find a provider that values your custom new enterprises need support with aspects of business like this and you are right, this kind of thing can make or break you. @weebly. I don't believe you anymore. Please go away.
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I already advised on Monday which websites my problem refers to but here it is again. Seems like this message system also doesn't like the urls I'm providing you, hence the "dot" part.
Nobody has given me any feedback. This is horrific service!
Message 11 of 10

I'm really sorry for all the trouble. I don't see your post on any of the threads on here, but I'm going to make sure someone from the appropriate team reaches out to you since it looks like you are still waiting on a response. 

Message 11 of 10

i think that these comments r a bit harsh.

Things unfortunately dt always run smoothly.... but what doesnt?  take Windows  for example.   biggest heap of sh*te ever   but how many people use it?   they release new systems/versions that have been rushed  to meet dealines  and have so many bugs..   and issue updates every day.

i read lots of comments on hear....   id say 50% of the queries r from people wanting too much,trying to do impossible things.  ...yet bitch non stop....   40% of complaints r from people who r doing things wrong/(dare i say it?) dt know what they r doing/still using IE, dt clear their cookies, dt pay their subscription.....(theres a weebly SEO help site for example)  and 10%  dt even say thank you to the Weebly community for help.

going back to customer service....in UK   every company makes u hang on the line for20 minutes when u call them.   or u get an auto generated email saying....   "thank you for ur email, we'll get back to you"  jeez   even to get a doctors appointment... u get one in 2 weeks time.

@Bernadette  and @Adam  do a great job on here helping people.  Emails do get missed... its a fact of life...   if u want to know what bad service is, switch to go daddy...😣

well, i had my say

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