
Paypal does not work unless cookies accepted at website entry point

Weebly refuse to fix the issue that you cannot pay by Paypal if you do not accept cookies at the entry point to your website. They will not put an option in to add onother option to inform a potential cutomer to accept cookies or Paypal will not work.

On another  issue with Weebly (amongst many) I was given the information that I had hundreds of dollars worth of abandoned carts. Was this because the shipping costs are not clear, or the many hoops customers have got to jump through to actual buy your product or was it because Paypal would not work.  Weebly were pushing me to upgrade to the next plan to see my abandoned cart info. I'll never know why my carts were abandoned. I was shocked to hear how much I was losing in abandoned carts but I would be unable to do anything about that information due to all the obstacles Weebly put in customer's way and refuse to resolve them

I am on a business plan and want to run a business. What planet are Weebly on when they refuse to listen to their customers?

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Hi @matt_warby

I was just about to post something along this very issue! I'm getting customers who are having major issues completing the payment transactions, which I also think could be a problem with compatibility issues between Weebly and Microsoft Edge. I have since learnt that customers also have to submit to the cookies before they can purchase anything - why the hell is that about?!

Customers are trying multiple times to complete an order, being sent round in circles, and not understanding what is going on. It initially caused me a right headache because I had no idea either and couldn't advise them at first - I've since found out, but it's still embarrassing having to explain to them what the problem is and what they NEED to do! Luckily for me, most of my customers are very loyal, but it does make me wonder just how many I could potentially be missing out on because they've given up trying to complete.

I was about to open a national website with Weebly, but have since decided to go elsewhere. I just have the 1 site here which is a website for local customers only and I really do like it; however, I'm getting really disillusioned with the direction of Weebly, it's lack of communication and development. So much potential but...!

Message 8 of 7

I'd steer clear. My contract comes to an end next year so will be off like a shot. One of the worst companies I have had the displeasure to work with. Work ethic is appauling.

Hope you do OK

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Message 8 of 7

I'm very sorry you guys are experiencing this issue with Paypal and cookies. Unfortunately, this is due to GDPR and the way our system works with Paypal. Example: If I visit your site from an EU ip address I will receive a banner notification at the bottom of your site asking me to accept cookies. If I do not accept cookies then none of my information will save on your website. Therefore, when I add an item to a cart, enter my billing information, and then click to pay via Paypal ALL of the information will be deleted since I am redirected off of your site to log into Paypal. It's very frustrating, but I believe our engineers are working on a way to avoid this. You can also do what another user suggested and edit your cookie banner to state that cookies need to be accepted in order to complete a purchase with Paypal. I understand this is not ideal, but it is something to consider while our developers work on a solution. 

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Update on this? 

"I believe our engineers are working on this" is not a statement of confidence.

Is it fixed so we can participate in global online ecommerce or not? 

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Hi @Creature No, as of today this is not fixed. Until there is a resolution you will want to add a disclaimer to your site, or disable Paypal if you are selling to EU countries and/or have cookie notifications enabled for all visitors. 

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