
Freezes When Editing - Exceptionally slow and totally unresponsive!!

I cant load pages in edit mode. I have upgraded my internet to broadband but I still cant edit. This is a FAULT of WEEBLY as I have eliminated the internet source and my computers. I have 2 computers and both freeze when trying to edit weebly. Since December I have had this problem and if you look into the history of my weebly u will see this. I need it fixed!!! Loading this page takes 2 minutes - https://ac-units.weebly.com/ It makes no difference if i edit using explorer or chrome. This page wont load https://ac-units.weebly.com/english-units.html Prior to December it did load so you cant say the page is too busy.

Message 1 of 4

I replied to your other post about this with a possible solution; can you check for my reply @Shellie?

Message 5 of 4

What kind of internet access do you have, @Shellie? Is it broadband, or do you use wifi with a free network?



i updated it to be the fast version after another weebly person said my internet was too slow.

It is the same on both chrome and explorer

As there are heaps of posts about weebly being slow in edit mode I firmly believe it is due to some update weebly did in approx. December.

Some weebly person told me today it is the amount of content on my page but the content hasn't really changed since the problem commenced in approx. Decemeber.

Prior to that I had NO ISSUE.

So therefore the page contains many links boxes and screenshots which haven't been an issue - so the problem must lie with weebly ie some update.

So now I am stuck as I cant edit my pages as they wont load which means ALL my websites are now totally useless!

This is so unfair.

If it was really the amount of content some stupid weebly person wouldn't have told me the problem lay with slow internet speed.

I will ask another person at weebly and will be told some other rubbish!

Yes I am angry as I have invested soooo much time into my 5 sites and they are now RUINED!!!

Message 5 of 4

How is it going Adam, i have better internet, i have tried it on 3 other computers using fast internet and still it wont work.

To create the pages, which u may feel has too much content, would have been impossible using my current weebly editor and the current issues.

So how did I create them if there hasent been an update that has adverserly affected the edit mode.

Of course there has been an update - u know it and I know and other customers have reported the same issue.

Now I have about 5 useless weebly sites that I cant update and add new content.

what is weebly going to do about it.

Hva eu escalated my case to a higher person as you definietly aren't the manager or CEO - where is my customer support and helpfulness? I am forgotten in the ether of the internet! 

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