
Blog needs an overhaul

I saw a detailed post from 2017 from another user, and you said you were "considering" an overhaul to the blog. Are you ever going to do this?

Your blog tool is horribly outdated and very clunky. There is only one layout and it's very old, the CMS is impossible to use (try editing a blog from 20 blogs back; it takes ages to scroll and find it), the comment section is outdated and doesn't display well on mobile, there are no social share buttons (only FB likes and an option to tweet), there are no menus (only an archive which just lists dates, not blog titles). There are other issues but this is most of the problem.

I have used you guys for years and will be switching to Wordpress soon if there is no overhaul. Content marketing is really important these days and your tool does it very poorly. I've been waiting years for you all to work on this tool and it hasn't changed - literally in years.

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Thanks for the feedback. I honestly don't know what the plan is for the blogging tool, but completely understand and agree with your points. I think right now the biggest focus is on ecommerce tools. We have a few users that have managed to have successful blogs with some work-arounds. One person in particular is @whitemonkey He might be able to provide some insight on how he has managed to make the blog work for his site. 

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@Bernadette   hi   thanks for the shout out..

I have actually switched to using standard pages     but the work arounds i made where changing the h2 title tags to h1, altering the READ MORE text , changing the colour and text of the PREVIOUS POSTS    at the end of the blog feed, if u use 5, 10 or 25 posts per page. Also i added a divider line between the post.  

Related posts feature i just manually added a list on what is the side bar, so they appeared on each page

Using standard pages, i manually do everything,  so if i have a new idea bit a page layout i  must manually  change everything   but in general, i just do the last 10 posts...

Regards     @ @whitemonkey

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