
Looking for top APP recommendations for some key functions

I want to do a list of things and want a cost effective way to do them with Weebly apps. Please advise!

1) Best automated email marketing app: Weebly Promote OR Mailbot? Which one can do a better job 

2) Pop-up polls

3) Pop-up feedback requests

4) Pop-up special offers

5) Referral marketing: want an app for checkout "tell us who referred you", and automatically send that prior customer a gift for their referral

6) At Check-out offer to set up automated repurchasing to get an on-going discount

7) Pop-up cross sell: when they add an item to cart, suggest items that go with it

😎 At check-out: suggest items that other people buy with what they've bought

Any suggestions for points 1-8 above would be awesome.

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Hey @dcallaghan89!

1. Promote has a high-level of integration with a Weebly site and while I may be biased, I think it's the best way to go.

2. https://www.weebly.com/app-center/search/polls

3. We recently released a product review feature which would work well for this. You can toggle it on or off in Store > Products > Reviews

4. https://www.weebly.com/app-center/search/popup

5. You might be able to use the "Note for Seller" option in Store > Setup for that

6. I'm not sure that there's an app solution for that right now

7. Same with this - I think we might be working on something like that, though. You could manually add similar products to the long description area of products in the meantime.

8. The same would also apply to this right now.

By the way, the reason I gave search results is because I don't have any specific recommendation out of the apps.

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