
Zapier not connecting square - works in the test, but not real life

I have set up a zap in Zapier that whenever I get a new order in square, it creates an item in monday.com so we can track order fulfillment. When I test, it shows up in monday, however, it is not working (nothing is coming into monday) when a real life order is placed. It was working earlier today, then suddenly I got a notice from zapier that the "Required field "Item Name" (item_name) is missing." I did not edit the zap after the first one that worked. I did try putting a different field there to see if it would load, but still no luck.


I have stared at the zap setup and everything looks correct, so what could I be missing?

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Hey @studio3arts.  That Zapier message leads me to believe that the issue is with the data that Zapier found, NOT with your actual setup.  When you look at your Zap log, can you see the item(s) that are throwing the error?  If so, have you checked the transactions out to be sure that there is not an item with incomplete data that you have marked as being “required” in order for the Zap to complete?


Otherwise, if you can’t figure it out, your first thing is to contact Zapier so they can look into exactly why they are sending you that error message.  It might be that they are not retrieving everything from the Square API call, or it might be that the API is missing something for a particular order which might lead you to a Square Item setup issue.  But Zapier will help you know where to start.


Come back here and post if you have any further information.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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