
Stay in category list when opening from a favorites page

I have created a favorites page with all of my item categories in it (cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc.). Each of my categories contain the flavors of my items for better tracking of what I sell as opposed to just having a basic cupcake or cookie item. I want to be able to select one of those categories from my favorites page, and keep adding items to an order without that category closing and making me have to reopen it again. Is this possible? I am currently using the Square Register.

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there @Jody-W, 👋

Thanks for reaching out!

While this type of functionality isn’t available right now, we’d love it if you’d submit a Feature Request on our Ideate Board.

Our team monitors these boards and we triage them to measure needs. You can search the boards to see if this has been requested before and add your use case if so!

By sharing your suggestion on an existing feature request board or creating your own, you empower other Sellers to support it with their votes and comments, highlighting the demand for this type of functionality to our Product team. Our Product Team keeps an eye on the Ideate Board and are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this!

P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community 

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