
Square for Restaurants: Kitchen ticket printer not printing

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Terminal Ticket (not receipt) Printing


I am new to Square for restaurants.  We have a kitchen terminal printer, but when we send the ticket it often prints doubles and often ommits a portion of the ticket from one of the printed tickets. It is creating a lot of confusion with courses, etc. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any tips on what might be causing it?

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Hi @breeschafe, I'm sorry to hear that your kitchen printer is acting up - that definitely shouldn't be happening. Can you try these printer troubleshooting steps (this link will show you steps to troubleshoot USB or ethernet printer)? If the troubleshooting steps don't resolve this can you reply here to let me know what kitchen printer you are using with your iPad? 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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I know this happened a long time ago but did you ever solve this?  I've done the troubleshooting steps many times. The setup worked fine for years and now we constantly have an issue where tickets will print late, some of the items don't print or tickets double print. 


I think the issues may have coincided with me switching on the "print kitchen names" toggle but that could be a coincidence since I've toggled them off and multiple times I've completely reinstalled everything various settings. 


It all used to work and nothing changed accept for the toggling on kitchen names which, again, I doubt is the issue.


Any advice?

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