Beta Member

Square Terminal Font/Icon Size

Ok - we've had Square for going on 10 years now and have always upgraded our tech as it became available (or in the latest case, when an update bricked our ipad2 and stands). We have 2 terminals and I think they're the best all in one unit available for Square. I just have one issue...the size of the buttons/text/fonts. When selecting items off the list, it's quite often that fat fingers select the item above or below the intended choice. Similarly, when selecting which type of receipt (text, email, print), it's very easy to pick the wrong one because they're so close together and finger tips aren't always accurate.


Additionally, the screen has a vertical aspect ratio. When people sign, they often run out of space...this isn't that big of a deal, but they often get annoyed and say things like "ugh, I hate these things.." or "That looks nothing like my signature..." 


Is there any update that will address these issues? Most importantly the item size and the receipt button size/spacing.


Otherwise - I LOVE the terminal - such a great piece of technology!

Message 1 of 17
Square Champion

there isn't a way to change the signature, and signatures aren't even necessary anymore after the credit card companies waived the signature requirements last year.  https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Product-Updates/Square-Point-of-Sale-Update-Welcome-to-Signature-...


going thru the settings I don't see a way to enlarge the font size.

Message 2 of 17
Beta Member

Good call - I just removed the signature option. Didn't even know we could do that. Thanks!
Message 3 of 17

Thanks for your feedback @ARP, it's really helpful for the Terminal team to understand what features to improve!


I wanted to mention that there is a way to magnify (zoom in on) on the item library. From the Settings section of Terminal tap Accessibility > toggle Magnification on. When you go back to your item library, triple tap on the item list and it'll zoom in on the list!


Thanks again for joining the Community to share your experience thus far! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 4 of 17
Beta Member

While that's all well and good that the magnification setting is an option, it's not a good option. It's quirky to use and it doesn't solve the problem very well. From an end user standpoint, if you don't triple-tap the right area, then you're stuck trying to move the screen to the right spot...and it only scrolls up and down, not left and right. 


The biggest issue is the receipt choice page - just spread them out or make the choices larger. As it is, I'm constantly selecting the wrong one and then having to go back into my transactions to do the one I had intended. The item selection I can deal with for now - just please adjust the receipt page to start. Then....please make it so we can make the icons bigger. Thanks!

Message 5 of 17
Beta Member

Thanks for bringing up these issues! We are having the exact same problems. We’ve been using square for about 7 years, always upgrade as well, love the terminal but the library icons are so small and on top of one another that the staff always end up hitting the wrong button and it takes more time to go back and delete items. We also tried the magnification but it gets stuck in that mode. I’m just happy to hear it’s not just us! 

Message 6 of 17

Hi @Ciderbellies1 - thank you very much for this feedback! It'll help the Terminal team to make improvements in future updates. 👍


If you have any additoinal feedback about the layout of the item library or using the new Terminal please let us know! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 7 of 17

Really REALLY need a way to increase the Library Items buttons. I only have 2 items and lots of space to expand the buttons if there were an option. Hard on old eyes and big fingers. Otherwise great piece of technology!


Message 8 of 17



Thanks so much, we'll definitely pass this to our Terminal Product team so they can track this option.

Technical Program Manager: AI
Square Inc
Message 9 of 17

I need bigger font. Anyway to do that? I use an iPad mini.  Would the font be bigger on a full-size iPad??

Message 10 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Loriadean 👋 Thanks for adding your voice to this thread. Currently, our mobile Point of Sale app does not offer the ability to edit text size. Any iPad POS application you use will offer the same font size which will be oriented to scale based on the device you are using. 


We realize that there is room for improvement here, so I am going to go ahead and pass your request along to our Product Teams. Should anything be added in regards to this feature down the road, we will be sure to reach out to you here.


Thanks, again! 


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 17
Beta Member

+1 on the need to combine squares to make larger icons! We have season drink specials that are on their own tab for ease of access. There are 6 drinks - and 25 squares! Each drink could take up 4 squares and be much easier to select - not to mention having the entire drink name shown. As it is, we only see 7 to 8 characters - which does not help at all!

James Wilkinson
Message 12 of 17

I agree we should be able to adjust the font and icon size accordingly. Most items for me the name gets cut off and the icon is so small you can barely see it even though there’s all this extra space. I hope this gets changed very soon!! 

Message 13 of 17
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @ARP & @GoldenFortune


Thank you so much for your feedback on the Terminal. I appreciate the time it took for you to post in the Community.


I will go ahead and tag this for our Hardware Team as a Feature Request, so they can look into it. 


Have a wonderful day! 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 14 of 17

Agreed! This thread started over a year ago so it’s a bit frustrating to see this is still a problem. I have the square terminal which is awesome and I love it but I occasionally have clients that can’t read the screen at all because the font is so small. An option at check out to make the font bigger would be awesome! If there has to be more pages or scrolling that would be just fine by me. I would much rather my clients be able to read it then have it look super organized. I think it’s most important that this feature be an option for every check out instead of toggle on off in settings though.  Not every client needs this option!

Message 15 of 17

Its been almost a year since I first asked about FONT SIZE.  Any updates available to enable this yet?

Message 16 of 17

I am in the decision making process as to whether or not to use square or not, and I need a screen that I can read/see.  Can someone tell me what size font is the default size for Terminal?  Is is 8pt, 9pt., 10pt., 11pt., or 12pt.?  

Message 17 of 17