Beta Member

Square Register Search Typing Lag and Slow

So we have a Square Register that has been updated to the new Square for Retail but its so slow in the search. We have the Square Stand and its blazing fast in the search.


Anyone might know why this is? When you click search, click item OR just type there is almost a half a second lag in the search. So you will be typing faster than the text will appear and it is so slow when we need to search for products.


Anyone else having this issue?

Message 1 of 37
Square Champion

I’ll give it a try. I tried the hand on back/touch screen and I didn’t notice any difference. 

As for plugging it in elsewhere, I moved it to an area of the dining room, far from any interference and it doesn’t appear to be any faster. From the time I tap on an item button to the time it opens, 2.5 seconds. In comparison, on the iPad/Stand, instantaneously. 

I realize 2.5 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time however, the lag causes other issues when it comes to Online orders.


When tapping on an order to mark it as “in progress or ready for pickup” the lag can cause the user to tap more than once (the thought being that the first tap didn’t register) which leads to accidentally marking another order as ready, when it’s not.  

I can’t possibly know whether this is an isolated case (maybe I have some bad devices from a batch) or other restaurant merchants simply accept the lag as limitations but I’m not impressed with the Registers abilities as compared to the iPad/Stand version. I sold our original Stands and iPads to a food truck merchant years ago for this very reason, they were at 4-5 seconds per  tap which was simply unacceptable for us. 

I can provide more video if necessary but the simple fact that they may be experiencing this latency/lag issue due to interference is not good. Most quick service restaurants have refrigerated units or any number of appliances within 2-6’ of a register, suggesting we plug it in elsewhere or away from its intended locale at the front counter seems okay for testing but not as a solution.


There must be another choice or remedy?



Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 22 of 37
Square Champion



I should point out this issue as well. At the end of the day, these already made and marked ready/picked up orders just pop up on the two Registers and we seem to be unable to mark them completed as seen here. The two Registers also seem reluctant to Sync at times, also seen here in that they don’t even display the same customers! 

Frustrating. I like the look of the registers from a design standpoint but it seems the Stand/iPads just work better and as intended. I’d much rather own a Honda Pilot that always works than a Land Rover that doesn’t. 

Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 23 of 37

Thanks so much @MAXSDELI for trying that out. Engineering wanted me to assure you that these tests are just to rule certain known bugs out. It appears they were able to determine that you're not being impacted by any of those and they'll need to do a deeper investigation. 


Apologies for all the questions - but does the lagging only occur on the checkout screen and order manager screem? Anywhere else (settings, customers, reports, team, transactions)? 


I know this is frustrating so I really appreciate all your effort. I totally get that spending more on a Register when the Stand works better seems counter productive. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Square Logo
Square Champions Program Manager
Message 24 of 37



Follow up questions from Engineering:


Is the issue still occurring? When did it start? The day you received the Register? 

Square Logo
Square Champions Program Manager
Message 25 of 37
Square Champion

Yes, it’s been noticeably slower than our Square iPad/Stands since we installed them. We’ve reached out on several occasions, by post, customer service, beta, regarding the matter and we’ve simply never seen any real resolution. 

I don’t see a lot of activity on the matter except for a handful of merchants so, perhaps it’s a hardware issue?


We’ve been told that it’s due to electrical interference from our refrigerated deli case however, we’ve plugged it in elsewhere and it’s the same. 

My impression is that it’s very glitchy compared to our Apple/Stand products which seem to work flawlessly for years until such time that they become slow due to their age. 


Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 26 of 37

Thank you so much for your reply and that context.


Engineering is still investigating would like to run a test to see if they can identify the error message internally at the time your Register glitched. TLDR; do you know the time and date that you took the video you sent us of the lag @MAXSDELI?

Square Logo
Square Champions Program Manager
Message 27 of 37
Beta Member

Hi @MAXSDELI  @isabelle 


Did this ever get resolved, we still have this issue for since my first post in April with no solutions. 

Message 28 of 37
Square Champion



Our Square Registers are as slow and glitchy as ever. I’ve never received any real feedback regarding the matter (other than this long forgotten thread) and simply tolerate them for the sole purpose of customer facing displays which facilitate more gratuities for our staff and greater customer satisfaction. 

If not for these features, I’d probably dump them in favor of our iPad/Stands, Apple platform is simply faster, more responsive and reliable than the Android based platform that powers the Square Registers. 

Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 29 of 37
Beta Member

Search function in item library is verrryyy slow. Everything else is normal. We're using Square Register, have rebooted multiple times. Any ideas?

Message 30 of 37
Square Community Moderator

I moved your post over to this thread, @specialtiesgame


It's a bit older, but it is the only relevant thread I could find. You may find some useful tips here, otherwise, I recommend reaching out to support directly as Valentina originally suggested. 

Message 31 of 37
Beta Member

We have been waiting for a resolution to this for months now, sad nothing and no solution. Let me know if you have figured this out. 

Message 32 of 37

@Misomiso @MAXSDELI Is the slowness with the Square Register fixed?  Or still an issue?

Message 33 of 37
Square Champion

Square was nice enough to replace our Registers under warranty and while we had some of the same issues with the new Registers at the time, I feel that they are working fine now. 

Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 34 of 37
Beta Member

So the replacement registers work fine?  I am ready to change from square.  I love where the registers were at a year ago.  Today they are going down hill.  They are very laggy. The "new" customer experience is even worse!  The animations must complete before an item screen opens. 


Message 35 of 37
Square Community Moderator

Hello @MichiganFarmsta ,


I am really sorry you keep having issues with your Square Register. I know when the machine isn't working as expected it is frustrating. 


Have you tried any troubleshooting steps as well? I do see you have reached out to support but a ticket has never been filed. If you don't mind contact support again at 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport so they can file one, we cannot do that through the seller community. Having our engineers take a deeper dive can hopefully determine why your device is having some of these issues. 


I really hope this gets resolved! Please reach out if you need anything else. 



Message 36 of 37
Beta Member

WTF? Support never filed a ticket? Supposedly the engineers were working on it


Message 37 of 37