
So frustrated with online ordering!

I cannot believe how overly complicated the online ordering system is. I work on a food truck and we have busy periods and slow periods and all I wanted to do today was change the lead time from a half an hour to 10 minutes. it must have taken me a half an hour at least just to find the setting under change location in pickup. Trying to find anything is next to impossible because it's so poorly laid out. I can't believe that I can't just change it in the square app. Trying to navigate this website on my phone on a busy food truck is impossible. Please add more features to the square app so we can change settings quickly and easily! And why can't we have a lead time of 20 minutes it goes from 15 to 30??? not to mention the fact that none of my online orders printed out for the first hour of business today for unknown reasons and my square reader for some reason no longer connects and I'm on my third one. 

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