
Scale connect to Square Register weird issue

Hello, I've got a bit of a weird issue I'm trying to figure out. We have two scales, one works fine, while the other doesn't. The one that works is using the included rs232 to USB cable. For the other scale, I had lost the included cable and bought a new one. I purchased a cable that matched the model number of the one that's supposed to work, but no dice.


Now, for the strange part, I thought, maybe the cable is bad, since it won't work with the first scale either, but on the other hand, scale#2 won't work with the cable I know is working on the first scale. So, either both the scale and the cable are bad, or there's some other configuration between the scale and the cable that I'm missing.

Message 1 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Heya @Davidh0,


Thanks for writing in and sorry to hear about the trouble! 


This definitely sounds odd - does scale #2 work with cable #1? Please also let us know the model of your scale, and if you're able to reset the scale to factory settings. I'll keep an eye out for your reply 🙂

Message 2 of 6

Thanks for the reply!


Well, part of the reason it's such a weird issue is that scale#2 does not work with cable#1 (the one that I know works with scale#1). Both scales are Brecknell 6710U. The only reset option I could find was for the configurations on the scale display. It didn't seem to do anything, at least for scale#2 + cable#2. I could try scale#2 + cable#1 again, but I can't do that till our store is closed on Monday since it's in use.


Not sure if there are any configurations I could make that would make it visible to Square?


Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for giving this a try @Davidh0


I just had another thought about the cable - we actually have different cables depending on which Square Hardware you're connected to. There are different cables for the 1st gen Stand, the 2nd gen Stand and Android devices. Did you order your cable here and select the device the scale will be connected to?


Message 4 of 6

Actually I bought the cable from a different site. Although, it is the same brand and model number as the cable for Square Register and terminal, which is what we use.


Just now, I tried connecting Scale#2 to Cable#1 and it still wouldn't connect.


I could try ordering from the link you sent, but I have my doubts about the scale itself and whether it's having problems or not. It would be nice to know if the return process is easy or not.


My boss wants to call her Square contact and see about replacing the scale if necessary. So we might just do that unless there is a better method?

Message 5 of 6
Square Community Moderator

We have a 30-day free return policy so you can send the cable back if it doesn't work. It's hard to determine whether the scale or the cable is at fault remotely. It sounds like it's a good idea to check if a different scale would solve the issue as a next step. Please let us know how you go!

Message 6 of 6