
Sale price not showing up on main pages

Hi I have a dedicated on sale page on my website. So when I go into a product to edit it last say for example these lavender cupcake cases in the photos. They were £4.99 and there now on sale for £3.80 I thought I had it set up correctly in my online section. 
but when you go to the on sale section it shows on the higher price when browsing the pages. Yes it has the sale tag in red but it does not show the savings and sale price. Until you actually physically click into an item then it show the two different prices.


how are customers suppose to know the full savings or sale price if it shows the higher price only on the main category page ? Or am I doing something wrong as to why it doesn’t display these correctly on the category page where all the sale items are ?


please see pictures which may help to show where I may be going wrong.

thanksHow I have it set up on square onlineHow I have it set up on square onlineMain category does not show 2 prices only the higherMain category does not show 2 prices only the higherIndividual item shows savings !Individual item shows savings !

Message 1 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thank you for flagging this! That definitely seems a bit strange.


This sort of issue could come from the browser itself. When you have a moment, could you please try the following troubleshooting steps


  1. Make sure that your browser is up to date, by searching the Internet for the current version of your browser.
  2. Clear the cache on your browser. Instructions for clearing your cache will vary depending on your browser. Accessing the Help menu on your browser should allow you to locate step-by-step instructions.
  3. Switch to a different browser: Square is supported with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. You can check your browser version online to make sure it is up to date.

Let me know how you get on with the above. I'll look into it further if the issue persists! 

Message 2 of 21
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Hi thanks for your reply. Yeah I have the latest safari browser updates and my cache is cleared too. I also tested it on my iPad and iPhone and I have a windows computer also with a different browser up to date and it was the same on there.


What I also noticed was about 10 minutes after I implemented the sale option like I showed in picture one with the two different prices it changed itself back on its own and then only started showing the higher price ? So I stopped what I was doing and went back into the item and had to leave the price section at 0.00 and the sale side at 3.80 to at least get the red sale banner to show. 

It's very weird, but I did not want the customers to be as confused as I was. 🤔

Message 3 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thank you for trying out those troubleshooting steps for me. This is definitely unexpected behaviour. 


I'm going to go ahead and escalate this information over to our team for them to take a deeper look. I'll get back to you as soon as I receive more information from them. 


I know it's not ideal when things don't work as expected, so thank you for your patience while we investigate this. 

Message 4 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thank you for your patience while we investigated your issue. Our specialist team has said that unfortunately, they were unable to replicate the issue on their end as it seems that the settings on this particular item have changed since the last post. 


If at all possible, would you be able to revert the settings on this item and add the sale price? This will let our team further investigate if the issue is occurring in real-time. Thanks! 

Message 5 of 21
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I worked out what the problem is and I’m going to try and explain it as best I can. 
when you put the item price then a sale price within square online so you can get it to show both prices like picture A below. It gives the correct display within the category page and within the item itself. Yippee it work but there’s a big problem that it then creates within the square register retail app. 
please read below with the other pictures I’ve added 😊

Picture APicture A


because I have square online and square register retail software they both sync together so as soon as I put price at £4.99 and then sale price £3.80 to get the red sale banner to show and have the two prices showing at the same time in my online shop. Square retail app only reads the £4.99 price as the price it can’t sync the sale price 😓 

so then I’m back to where I started because if I go into the item option on the retail app to change the price so it only charges the customer the correct £3.80 the sale price. It then syncs back to square online and I lose the 2 price options 😫 see pictures below. I’ve also highlighted the times in the top left hand corner.


So how do I get square retail app to recognise a sale price and not the standard price ? You can’t stop the sync of prices ? There is nowhere with the retail app to apply a sale price without it talking back to square online and putting the price back up. There is no separate sale price in the square retail app that I use on my square register 

thanks 🙏 

Message 6 of 21
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did you get this sorted ? this is exactly the problem im having since yesterday afternoon, I ve never had an issue before ?

Message 7 of 21
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No not yet I only realised the bigger issue an hour ago so I don’t think anyone has seen other explanation above yet. 
🤞it can be sorted somehow 🙂

Message 8 of 21
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Ive got the square IT guys working on it.  Ive used square & weekly website for over three years and never had this issue before! it just happened late yesterday afternoon ?

Message 9 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thank you very very much for your detailed explanation, this is incredibly helpful to us here in Square when investigating issues like this, we appreciate it! 😊 


I'll make sure to pass all of this information to our team for further review. I'll let you know what they say to me once I hear back! 


Hello to you too @wildflower66! Have you gotten word back from our IT team about what the issue might be at all? Did they file a ticket with our engineering team to determine if this is a bug, do you know? Any clarification on this would be helpful too. 😊

Message 10 of 21
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Hello no not yet, they are looking into it and said they will update me

Message 11 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Thanks for your reply, @wildflower66. I'll keep an eye out for your reply then. 😊


And @OTCF, I just got some more information from our specialist teams. They have asked if it's possible for you to change the prices of the item back to what they were when the issue happened, that would be great. We want to allow our team to test out if this is expected behavior or a bug with our system. 

Looking forward to your reply! 

Message 12 of 21
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I will only do it on one item the 24 Lavender flower cupcake cases which has been the main one i have pointed out in the photos. As if i sell it in the shop and scan the item on square register the item is going to come up at the higher price of £4.99 because the retail app syncs the price from square online and can not sync the correct sale price.


Can you ask them how we get square retail app to recognise sale prices ? As now i have changed the item back to show the two price on my website. My square register is going to charge £4.99 for the item and not £3.80 the sale price!


Message 13 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thanks for doing that for me. I have said this to our team who will investigate it further for you. Hopefully, I'll have more information once they come back in on Monday. 


Have a nice weekend! 

Message 14 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, thanks for your patience on this. Our team has said that the issue with the sale price seems to be resolved now. Are you able to check on your end if the sale prices are displaying correctly? Thanks!

Message 15 of 21
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Hi unfortunately it’s not worked as there is still the problem with the price in square for retail app. It can’t recognise a sale price! So I’m unfortunately no further forward until you have the ability to enter a sale price in the square for retail app with product sync from square online to square for retail.


sqaure online website will charge the sale price of £3.80 but square for retail app only recognises the one higher price of £4.99 and can’t determine sale prices. So if someone wants to purchase the same item in my shop to sell through square register using square for retail app it’s going to charge them £4.99 😫 instead of £3.80

Message 16 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Aw shoot. Sorry to hear that, @OTCF. I may have to escalate this matter to another team who is closer to the retail product and see if this is expected behavior on our end. 


Really sorry that this is taking so long to get you an answer on why this is happening. I'll try to get back to you ASAP with more information!

Message 17 of 21
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Hi @k_atie 


Is there any update on this escalation ? Have they figured out how we can correctly display the sale price ? Unfortunately it still won't work due to the square online price sync across to the square retail app.

It would be great to display these items correctly with there original price and there sale price which does not sync to the retail app and cause it to only display the higher original price 🙂

Message 18 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Argh! My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you on this thread @OTCF! I have nudged the escalation thread again to get a response from our team. Apologies for dropping the ball on this. 😅 Hopefully, they get back to me ASAP. 

Message 19 of 21
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @OTCF, really sorry about the delayed response here. I have some information about the issue with the sale price on both your Square Online and Square for Retail.


So the sale price is a Square online-only feature. It will not sync to the Retail Poing of Sale, which is expected behavior at the moment. If you are going into the item itself and updating the price, it will sync back to Square Online, which is also expected. This is why you are getting stuck in this loop. 


If the sales price for your items has been determined by a standard percentage, I would suggest setting up an automatic discount in the Dashboard so that each time you select the item in-store, it's applied without you needing to take manual action. If not, you could also adjust the price within the cart for an item, which affects that sale only and not the overall item itself.


Let me know if you have any other questions!

Message 20 of 21
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Hi @k_atie 

Thanks I have tried to implement it that way for now. 😁

Message 21 of 21
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