Square Champion

Question on Taxes

I went to answer a Question on Sales Taxes and noticed Taxes started showing up on my reports that I did not enter and have no idea about what % they are.  Since Square added these how do I find out what % they are charging at?  In business account settings taxes they do not appear.  Only appear in Sales Tax reports.


Any help on finding the rates Square entered would be helpful.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 1 of 27
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

I think we got to the bottom of this @Candlestore!


The team looked into further on their end and they discovered that this is purely a display issue. To confirm: taxes are being applied correctly and nothing extra is being charged/caculated.


However, what happened is instead of the taxes being displayed under one name — either the name you've given your tax or the auto-tax determination, it is being broken down more granularly and showed based on the city/zipcodes you've shipped to. 


Now that this is on the team's radar, they will be part of their plant reporting improvements for 2024. 


Let me know if there's anything question or feedback you would like me to share with the team, and I'll be sure to pass it on! 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 27 of 27
Square Champion

So I Just received an Email from Square ---- "To manually calculate Canadian taxes for Square online: "   then it goes through the setup process.  Problems are this has nothing to do with Canadian Taxes and I also do not have a Square Online store.  


More confusion for me.... lol 

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 22 of 27
Square Champion

Message 23 of 27

Hey @Candlestore, I've flagged the issue you raised in this thread with our Product team. To help them investigate further, I just want to clarify a few things:

  • When you are checking out a shipping order on the Retail Point of Sale app, do you see a list of taxes there? if you can share a screenshot of what you are seeing within the app, that'd be much appreciated.
  • Are these taxes being applied/calculated when you are shipping within the same state? 
  • The taxes are only coming up when you are viewing the Taxes Report within Dashboard, is that still correct?

I'll keep an eye for your answer here!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 24 of 27
Square Champion



  • When you are checking out a shipping order on the Retail Point of Sale app, do you see a list of taxes there? if you can share a screenshot of what you are seeing within the app, that'd be much appreciated.

    On the App on an Ipad in a Square stand it shows one item called Tax and the dollar amount which is 6% of the sale which is correct.


  • Are these taxes being applied/calculated when you are shipping within the same state? 

This Tax is being applied when Shipped with in PA, Same state which is also correct.


  • The taxes are only coming up when you are viewing the Taxes Report within Dashboard, is that still correct?

    Yes that is correct, when I see the other taxes is on that report.


But all those other taxes should all be just classified as Sales Tax which is what I assigned my PA Sales Tax as in my Business account Settings in my Square dashboard.  Why would my Reports be showing more Taxes Authorities then what I pay is my main question and the cause for confusion.  


Hope this helps.  Since I do not get a lot of Phone orders, I just tried with my name and Business address to be able to answer your questions.  I do not know if East Stroudsburg or Monroe County would show as another Tax authority in your reports.  I also did not complete the Transaction since it complicates somethings

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 25 of 27

Sorry for the delayed reply here @Candlestore and thank you so much for sending all this information on! I've shared your reply with the Retail team and they are digging into this further. 


When I have an update or if the team require any additional information, I'll be following up on this thread 😊

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 26 of 27

Best Answer

I think we got to the bottom of this @Candlestore!


The team looked into further on their end and they discovered that this is purely a display issue. To confirm: taxes are being applied correctly and nothing extra is being charged/caculated.


However, what happened is instead of the taxes being displayed under one name — either the name you've given your tax or the auto-tax determination, it is being broken down more granularly and showed based on the city/zipcodes you've shipped to. 


Now that this is on the team's radar, they will be part of their plant reporting improvements for 2024. 


Let me know if there's anything question or feedback you would like me to share with the team, and I'll be sure to pass it on! 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Have a burning question to ask in our Question of the Week? Share it with us!
Message 27 of 27