
Price for in-store POS and online not syncing

On my square online store (website), I put some items on sale, and added a ndew category (“Clearance”).  I edited “item detail”. Everythign looks great on teh website.  HOWEVER..on the square app, where I can sell things at events, the sale price is not synced on the item there.  Other changes i’ve made DO sync over (such as renaming an item), but the sale price is not syncing.  What am i doing wrong?  Thanks!

Message 1 of 12
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey @Lizcarp!


Welcome to the Seller Community 


The sale price is online only and will not sync over, while the other details you mentioned will sync over. You can set the price the same or create a discount for in-person sales. 

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Message 2 of 12

Best Answer

Hey @Lizcarp!


Welcome to the Seller Community 


The sale price is online only and will not sync over, while the other details you mentioned will sync over. You can set the price the same or create a discount for in-person sales. 

Message 2 of 12

@isabelle, Thanks for clarifying this. This feels like a bug to me. It is in the pipeline to sync these prices? How about to sync discount codes?

Message 3 of 12

I'm not sure if it's in the pipeline. I imagine eventually you'll have the option to sync or not sync item prices.


I know for many sellers, their online prices may differ from in-store because of things like to-go packaging or shipping packaging or delivery fees @wildheartbrew. I'm assuming that's not the case for you.


We are definitely working on making discount codes (for in-store) and coupon codes (for Square Online) synced. It's been one of the number one feature requests, and honestly, very confusing for our sellers to have them separate. Thanks for surfacing these concerns. 

Message 4 of 12

Sure, nothing is ever as simple as it seems on the surface or from the outside. I appreciate the reply, @isabelle , and it's good to hear that coupon/discount code syncing is in the works!

Message 5 of 12

We are having a similar issue but it has nothing to do with sales prices. We are finding price changes on Square for Restaurants are not syncing with our online store. 

Message 6 of 12
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @WineSneak I'm sorry to hear that this issue with your syncing has brought you to the Seller Community😥


This does sound off, but it's difficult to pinpoint what may be happening without looking at your account with you. For this type of issue, I suggest that you get in touch with our Support Team. If you haven't already, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 12

Exact problem we are experiencing. It's been over a year since you reported this. Is there a fix to this now? I've been on the phone with with (4) different customer support reps. None seem to have an answer. 

Message 8 of 12
Square Community Moderator

At this time Item Sale Prices are a feature only available on Square Online. In the meantime, I suggest creating a discount with variable pricing and applying it on the Point of Sale at checkout to match the price Online. 


I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request.


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it). 


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community @CChatman 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 9 of 12

It's seems this should just happen, or be an option you turn on to happen. It's clunky as it is and when at an event that extra step to manually figure out how much of a discount is needed can take awhile. Especially if people by multiple discount items, adding up how much off of each item to enter in a variable discount is also a pain.

If you can't offer the ability to sync the two, why not just offer a choice to use your point of sale in either the online side or square side? To me it makes more sense since it's all the same system (or should be in the grand scheme of things).

Message 10 of 12

Hey @shannalynn01,


Thanks for being a member of the Community. 


Please check how to submit feedback to our Product Teams here.


As always, if you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help!



Message 11 of 12

This has been reported from my understanding, multiple times over the last year.

Changing prices for events on the square side also changes them on the website side. So if I have an item that is $20 and I have it on sale online for $15.....if I change the price to $15 on square side for an event it then it changes original price on website. Therefore looking like thete is no sale.

I'm not exactly sure why for square it's so difficult to utilize both systems as one. Seems like more work on your end to reference 2 files per format. I think a lot of issues you currently get would go away if you used one inventory/pricing file.

Message 12 of 12
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