Beta Member

Need help Using barcodes to transfer stock

We have a central location, and we do various street festivals.  When we go to the street festivals, we transfer stock to that location via dashboard.


In the last few months, we have started using barcodes.  Great for sales, great for taking inventory, but we aren't getting it to work with transferring stock between locations.

I have tried several different scanners.  On the PC, the result is buggy at best.  We put the curser in the "Item" field, it goes beep, and nothing.  Or, it reloads the previous item.  Scan a second time, and MAYBE it loads the new barcode.  It is just as likely to reload the previous barcode.  If we scan often enough, it may scan correctly after 2-4 attempts.  But that is not only a waste of time, but we then have to go back and delete the duplicate entries.  And I HATE wasting time......


If we accidentally leave the cursor in the "Transfer Quantity" field and scan a barcode, it imports the barcode number just fine.  Just not in the "Item" field.


Looking for suggestions.  If it matters, the current scanner in front of me is a Honeywell 1200g, but the problem persists regardless of what scanner I'm using.


I've tried using a bluetooth scanner on an iPad, but it doesn't scan at all.  (Works great when doing inventory, but not at all for transferring stock.)


Message 1 of 4
Square Champion


From the Square Dashboard you select Items then Item Library.

At the top is a Search window, put your Cursor there then Scan an item.  This will locate the item in your Item Library and you can change the Location where it is sold at.


You do not want the Scanner in the Item field but in the Search Field of your Items Library.

See picture below:

Search Field.png


Hope this helps

Pocono Candle

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Message 2 of 4
Beta Member

My screen is different from yours, possibly because I have the pro version of the software.  I have a drop-down menu item called "Actions", and one of the possible actions to transfer stock.  snip1.png

In this instance, I have closed a seasonal location, and am transferring stock back to the office.  This screen allows me to transfer an entire list of items.  I go to the area labeled "Add Item" and manually search for the item by name, sku, etc.  In theory, I can use a barcode reader to enter the barcode, and bring each item up that way instead of manually entering it by hand.  However, the barcode reader is not entering the data properly into the field.  I am looking for help getting the barcode reader to function as it should.


Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@beefolks1 ;

Under your Transfer Stock --- where you have circled in red, Yes I agree that is where you should be able to scan in a Barcode or gtin to transfer inventory.  I wonder if this is a Glitch that you may need to contact Square support about.  The pictures really help, as I was not sure where under Item you were searching and as I disabled my 2nd Location my screen is different probably for that reason.  


Since you have tried several different Scanners, which Scanners have you tried?  Are they supported by Square?  I have found that my Terra Scanner is buggy with Square on a computer but works fine with other apps and Google Sheets etc, but not always with Square Desktop.  Then I try one of my Zebra Scanners and that has no issue with the Square Dashboard.  

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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