
Item descriptions not showing on website

I have just started working with Square, and am currently trying to work on an already existing website / store. I tried to add item descriptions to the items in the online store, but no matter what I try, the descriptions are not showing up on the website. 


I checked the sync options. Turned them off and on again. Tried to leave them off and format by hand, saved...nothing. Tried to change the inventory from the square terminal, didn't do anything. When I click the item to edit it, it actually shows me the descriptions, but I cannot, for the life of me, get them to show up on the actual shop page so the customers can see them.

Message 1 of 16
Square Community Moderator

Hi there @SanChyna


Thank you for reaching out to us about this! Are you trying to create an online store using the Square Online platform or a 3rd party? We can look deeper into this once we have more information. 


Also, welcome to the Seller Community!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 16
Beta Member

Was this ever solved? I’m having the same issue. The item descriptions are suddenly not showing on the website frontend. It’s been working for the past year or so just fine, but about 2 weeks ago the descriptions just stopped showing. They are all Square items. Nothing from an external source like WooCommerce

Message 3 of 16
Square Community Moderator

 In this case if your issue is related to WooCommerce I would suggest starting with the support team for the plug-in that you are using as they are responsible of making sure the integration is working correctly. 


At the time we are not facing any issues with our APIs(Integrations) that would affect inventory or item descriptions. I hope this information is helpful!


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 16
Beta Member

In my comment I said that it has nothing to do with WooCommerce or any other external plugin. All of the products are from Square. 

Message 5 of 16
Square Community Moderator

I am sorry for the confusion @yomamas.  In that case I do not see any reports of item descriptions not appearing as they should on Square Online. Our Support team would be able to look into this with you! When you have a moment, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 6 of 16

I am also having the same issue.  The descriptions show up if you click on the item.  But they only show up for certain items -- sometimes -- and not others on the front end.  This is very inconvenient for customers; they shouldn't have to click on every single item to see what it's all about!


Any suggestions?   I can send screenshots.


**To clarify, our descriptions show up on a computer but on an iPhone where they are so important for mobile ordering -- they don't always.

Message 7 of 16

Hello. i have had a website using Weebly and Square  - I have been updating the information on both. The descriptions for my items never show up. When you do the test link that Weebly gives, it shows up. But when I go to the actual site address, the descriptions don’t show up at all.

Message 8 of 16
Square Community Moderator

Hi @kkhymnkwon


Can you please post a link to one of the items on your site so we can take a look? 


Message 9 of 16

I am also having this problem. Item descriptions do not show up on the Square Online site. They do not show up on a computer or on mobile. I have added the description in multiple places: Dashboard > Items AND Dashboard > Online > Items > Site Items. It's incredibly frustrating as we have two similar items, and the description helps customers decide which item they want to purchase. A solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated!

Message 10 of 16
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Seller Community, @galleryplayers 😊


Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the way your site items are displaying. Can you post a link to one of the items on your site so we can look into this further for you?


Thanks in advance! 


Message 11 of 16

It's like this for all items on our site, but here is one: https://gallery-players.square.site/product/black-box-week-one/34


If you view the source code, you can see the meta name="description" contains all of the text I've added, but it just doesn't show up on the page.

Message 12 of 16
Square Community Moderator

Thanks, @galleryplayers


It looks like you just need to toggle on the item description. 😊


Log into the site editor, then click the dropdown in the top left corner. Scroll down to the items section, then click on the item page you wish to edit.


Click anywhere on the item in the editor to open up the Edit Item Details panel. Then toggle on the "description" option. You can also check a box that will move the description above or below the buy button.


Don't forget to republish the site once you are finished with all of your edits. 



Note: I toggled the option back off for now so that you have the opportunity to walk through this yourself. 


Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions. 

Message 13 of 16

Thank you very much! This wasn't very intuitive, but glad to see it was an easy fix.

Message 14 of 16
Square Community Moderator

You're welcome! And yes, unfortunately, some of the settings are a bit hidden or not quite obvious. I'm happy to forward your feedback to the product teams for you, though. 😊


Take care! ❤️

Message 15 of 16
Square Champion

In addition to my individual post, I’ll post here. I’m experiencing an issue with Item Descriptions being stripped from my site after marking them SOLD OUT.


My usual process is to mark items SOLD OUT and then default to having the system making them available again at closing time of that day, so they will automatically make them available for the next day. 

I’m finding that when they become available the next day, the item description has been stripped out, making it necessary to add them back. This is becoming tedious. 

To be clear, Item Descriptions is toggled on, as seen here. Any help is appreciated. 




Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 16 of 16