
Is anyone else having customers receiving chain emails for sales reciepts?

This has now happened four or five times in the last few months. I'll have a customer come in and report to a staff member they were charged for things they didn't buy. They'll show me their phone, and scroll to show me the two receipts.  It took me forever to figure out the first time that the receipts were months apart, and that Square sends receipts as a chain email. After the first time, I know to look for the email date on the first (disputed) receipt and point that out to the customer. So far, most customers accept that and agree they have been in many times before.


I personally am not signed up with Square for email receipts so I don't know if this is how all customers receive emailed receipts (as a chain).  Is there something I need to change on my end so this doesn't keep happening (causing confusion/anger for the customer and wasting both of our time)?

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Let me guess- the customer is using google? If this is so, it isn't Square it is the way gmail "threads" conversations, What happens is when a customer receives an emailed receipt it is from "messager@messaging.squareup.com" so any company that uses Square the receipt, invoice, etc is coming from the same receiving email and Gmail will lump them all together.


I have a chain in my gmail with 327 messages because it literally has everything from my business, invoices I receive from other businesses that use square, etc.

Co-Owner Amityville Apothecary
Instagram | TikTok @AmityvilleApothecary

Podcast: Apothecary After Dark (YouTube & Spotify)
Message 2 of 4

I had not look at, nor asked about, their email. I'll add that to my list of questions. Thank you!

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey @AtlanticBaking,


Stepping in for @DinaLRosenberg 


When a customer utilizes a payment card for the first time at a Square Seller, they will be prompted at the point of sale to input their email address if they wish to receive a digital email receipt. At this point, the email becomes linked to that credit card, and from that moment forward, a receipt will be automatically sent to that email whenever the credit card is used by any Square seller.


If a customer receives an emailed receipt, it will originate from "messager@messaging.squareup.com." This may potentially result in email threads in Gmail, although we cannot definitively confirm this. Unfortunately, there are no settings available to modify this in the Square system, so you or the recipient may need to check individual email settings or reach out to Gmail support for further assistance.


For more information on digital receipts, please visit this link: https://squ.re/2OjMich.


I hope this information is helpful. If I haven't addressed your query accurately, please let me know.


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