
Identity verification

Hi - i'm beyond frustrated with Square right now... have spent two full days on and off with customer service. I've been in business over 30 years and have accepted credit cards all these years but for some reason Square can't verify my identity. First i started with a free site. Then was talked into buying an annual plan plus a domain, which I did. Then was told tech support would get back to me after failing to resolve issue... they didn't. Then was told by sales rep via email that tech support is open 24/7 at 855-700-6000 (they aren't). Meanwhile I'm supposed to launch on monday morning in order to support a fundraiser for veterans (and now I can't). Not exactly the experience I was hoping for. 

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Square Champion

The identity verification is a complicated one in that if even one letter is wrong in a name or a space is missing or added it could fail.  It isn't something Square made up, it is the process that was added in the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001.

That being said it does suck and many times there isn't info to pass on as the why it failed.  Hopefully, you can get it straightened out. 

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Thanks Van... yes, it's something Square needs to fix. The way it's handled now is ridiculous: you get 2 tries (my information was entered correctly) and then it's basically "sorry, game over" with no recourse. How can any business operate this way? For Square to point to a "3rd party" as their excuse is very lame. This must happen a lot - and most sane people would say "ok, this doesn't work - we need to try another way". 

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