
Help! Online store won't let me change stock numbers!

We noticed yesterday that we were unable to change stock numbers for items or events in our Online Store. We click on edit item/event go to the stock number and change it, then hit save, then when we open the edit window again, the stock number has reset to what it was before the change. We also tried creating new items and events, setting the correct stock number then and adding it to the store, but when we open the new item/event it shows no stock number at all - an error message appears saying you have to enter a stock number before saving, but that number is not retained afterwards.


This is very frustrating for us! We are selling tickets for events and our stock numbers need to be exact or we'll oversell the event. Does anybody know the fix for this?!?




Message 1 of 13

I'm having the same problem, intermittently for a few months now. It saddens me that you were never answered, did you find a fix other than entering stock multiple times until you could confirm the store actually had the right amount in it?




Message 2 of 13

I actually did get it figured out, but the way it worked was I found somebody else who had asked a similar question, and a moderator had replied on the thread, so I added my comment to it and I guess the moderator got a notification of my reply.


What's actually happened is they changed the system without telling anyone about it. In order to change stock numbers on an item (after you created it and put in the original stock number), you now have to go back to the dashboard, click on "items", find the item you want to change stock on, select a reason why you are changing the stock, and then it will let you actually alter the numbers.


I'm guessing that customers in businesses with multiple locations were complaining that too many people had access to stock number editing power, so they changed it to make the stock numbers editable only from one central location. 

Message 3 of 13

I’m still having this issue. I can’t change the stock amount after saving. I get an error message saying “This SKU is currently unavailable at any of your locations. To change this, edit it in Square.”

Then it gives you a link that leads to nowhere. 
I have 100’s of products that I’ve been uploading, and have been able to change stock. Now I can’t. Any ideas?

Message 4 of 13

Are you receiving this error message when attempting to edit stock amounts within the Item Library of your Square Dashboard, or while editing your online store?


If you could possibly provide a screenshot of where you are seeing this message, as well as the link that isn't working for you, that would be helpful. thanks, @Heatherlyn31!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 13

I'm having the same issue and can't seem to correct it. I even deleted my item and all the variations  and started again but it keeps saying the same thing "This sku is currently unavailable at any of your locations. To change this, edit it in Square. " Did you get an answer or figure it out @ianboccio ?

Message 6 of 13

Hi @djz!


Can you try editing the stock from the Item Library section of the Dashboard? 


Let me know if that works! 

Square Logo
Square Champions Program Manager
Message 7 of 13

I need help! I can not add stock to my item library/ or square account. I keep getting the message "This sku is currently unavailable at any of your locations. To change this, edit it in Square.". I even deleted my item and all variations, the Whole thing and started again but it keeps saying the same thing.

Message 8 of 13

Thank you for responding to my question. I have tried the library item on the dashboard, I can change the stock and save it but it doesn't change on my online store...

Message 9 of 13

Hey @djz-


Hmmm. That doesn't sound right. Can you give us a call and speak with the Online Store team? I want to make sure we get this resolved as soon as possible. 

Square Logo
Square Champions Program Manager
Message 10 of 13

I'm having the same issue described above. I cannot add stock numbers to my new items. I keep getting this message: "This sku is currently unavailable at any of your locations. To change this, edit it in Square." The "edit in square" link goes to a "sorry, this page can't be found" page. I have never added sku numbers (my items don't have them) and have always been able to add stock numbers in the past. I have no clue what is happening now.


This is in the items list in the online area, but when I go to the items list directly from the dashboard (the greenish/turqoise "Items" icon), none of the new items I've recently added even show up because I haven't been able to add the stock numbers. If I create a new item here, it does NOT show up on the online items list and there's no way to select it or otherwise import or edit it there. THIS MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. Why are there even two different item lists anyway???????


I successfully added online items and updated the stock numbers around a month ago. What has changed? I haven't changed any of my settings. I'm at a loss.

Message 11 of 13

Okay, so to make things even more confusing, I can now add the stock numbers to some of the new items I added about an hour ago and I'm getting the sku error message for others. Seems to be no rhyme or reason, nothing noticeably different about the ones that are now working correctly and the ones that aren't.

Message 12 of 13

I am having a similar issue. However, I do not use SKU numbers. I sell at craft fairs, and when I go back to update my inventory in my online store (using the “Inventory recount” reason, I have to change the number and save repeatedly before it “takes”. This is using up *so much time* and is very frustrating. I have tried it on the desktop and on my iPad and it makes no difference. This is really not an acceptable issue. I hope someone will get it corrected soon. 

Message 13 of 13