
Help! No shipping Option at Check Out

I've created shipping profiles and added shipping rates for countries and also made sure to select Shipping as the fulfillment option.  I also have the Ship From address set up.  But when I do a test run, I see Taxes show up but no shipping option for customers so they aren't charged for shipping.  Help!  

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @bawesq3


I definitely know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are doing all the right things, and then it STILL doesn't work. 


I have a couple questions, when I go to your site, I notice it is mainly services and there are no items for sale. Are you trying to sell your items on your Square Online site, in person, or through a payment link?


If you are trying to sell the items through a payment link, the shipping settings are a bit different. In your Dashboard, you would need to go to Payment Links > Settings > General and then scroll down to where it says shipping. Make sure shipping is enabled, and you would set your shipping fee there as well. 


There are always so many moving parts when it comes to fulfillment settings, so let me know how you're trying to sell these items so I can make sure shipping starts working for you!



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