
Using Square for Consignment Sales

I'd like to be able to track sales by vendor for a consignment shop.  Has anyone used Square to do this?  Maybe create a category which is a specific vendor?  


Any suggestions on how anyone has done it will be a big help.

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Message 1 of 127
1 Best Answer

Best Answer
Hi VBBGallery, I own a consignment shop and use square...though I use a consignment software that tracks what purchases sell for each vendor and use square as my POS service. You could make each vendor a category listing on square but I think you'll find it becomes hard to track each item and very labor intensive...hence I would search out consignment software to help with the inventory aspect

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Message 4 of 127
126 REPLIES 126

I'm very interested in learning more about your excel program/files and how you do that... I know just a bit of excel, but have done nothing more than run inventory reports and have excel run calculations on how much $ in inventory I have at the end of each month.  Thank you!  (No idea how to PM you...) 

Message 85 of 127

Hi, I’m interested in how you use excel for consignment.


Thank you! 


Message 86 of 127

@VR328 Excel is tough for consignment. Lots of cutting and pasting, calculations and trying to provide individual reports for consignors makes it even more difficult. Reach out if you are interested in an integrated solution that uses Square's APIs to create and track inventory and track consignment sales automatically.






Message 87 of 127

The NextGen Pricing & Buying portal takes care of consignment functions and works with Square

Message 88 of 127

I need a volunteer or two who are using a modern consignment software like Simple Consign or Ricoconsign who would be interested in providing their inventory data for us to import into Rose/Square. Rose (our consignment software) has been fully integrated with Square (Sales and Inventory) and we are getting close to having the demo ready. I'd like to get someone who is currently using another web-based consignment software and is manually inputting sales into their software or who would be willing to discuss with me how they currently use their consignment software with Square.  I'd gladly provide a non-disclosure/non-compete to protect your data. We'd like to import another consignment software's inventory to work out any bugs with import. Our consignment software is currently fully integrated with Square and we'd like to test bringing other users in to use Rose. Please contact me if you'd be interested in helping us.






Rose by Consignor Connect

Message 89 of 127

I do not currenty use a consignment program to interface with Square but would love to be put on your Beta list for the Rose platform. Thanks. Laurel

Message 90 of 127

I do not current use a consignment platform but I would like to try  the Rose system.


[Personal Information Redacted]

Message 91 of 127

It appears that 'Rose' is $100 per month with add-ons for 'emergency weekend hours', exceeding print imitations, and another $75 per month for '1 hour/month Phone Consultation' raising the question, 'What's the distinction between 'Free Unlimited Technical Support' and '$75/month 'New Business Support'? In recent years there has been a rash of new software offerings hoping to secure ongoing fees for 'software as a service'. We've been providing software for consignment businesses since 2001. Best Consignment Shop Software is and has always been 'one payment for lifetime use' which pre-sale has included a live demo, business consultation, software and hardware support, and lots of help with computers, Windows, networks and all things IT related.

Message 92 of 127

Great questions Best Consignment!


$100 per month includes unlimited users and locations. It also includes 5000 label prints using our Kloudprint remote printing platform (printing from a tablet, phone, Chromebook, etc). If you use the local printing function built in as well, there's no extra cost. $75 a month is for consultation services for new businesses with no experience. For those who want to tap into our 20+ years of consignment business experience and 40+ years business experience. Technical support is free and unlimited. Emergency contact info is available to paying customers upon request.  Hope that helps. Please contact me if you anyone is interested in an integrated consignment solution with Square. Thanks!

Message 93 of 127

That's what we do, and then we run a category sales report to tally what consignor/vendor items sold each month from which we figure how much is owed.  We track consignor payments in the Customer notes. 

Message 94 of 127

We do just that, using a consignor-specific category number imported with consignor and consigned item information from the Square Buying Portal (simple consignment software).  We run a category sales report each month to identify items sold and amount owed each consignor.  We pay out of Square.

Message 95 of 127

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Can I use square for conignment?" The author has been notified via email.


I currently use square as our POS. We need to be able to use it for consignment and don’t want to have to cancel and switch to something else.

Message 96 of 127



Check out our software Rose by Consignor Connect. We offer the only consignment software that integrates with Square. Others claim to work with Square but they are really just forcing Square to do something it wasn't designed to do, causing you to lose features and still doesn't make paying out consignors as easily and efficiently as our software does.


Our website has more detail: https://www.consignorconnect.com






Rose + Square = Changing the Shape of Consignment

Message 97 of 127

You might try the square portal .  It is a very cost effective solution 

Message 98 of 127

Rose for Square


Struggle no more with reconciling and paying out your consignors and vendors! Rose by Consignor Connect is the only consignment software Built with Square. Enter your inventory from your PC and within seconds it appears at your Point of Sale. Others require that you track payments awkwardlly in the customer directory, making reporting difficult and require you to use your categories to track consignment...no, no, no! Use your categories as they were intended - tracking category performance by day, month, year, etc. 


In Rose you can setup a default % split for consignors/vendors, give certain consignors/vendors different splits and even setup specific % splits for particular items as well.


Paying out a consignor takes just a few mouse clicks as Rose by Consignor Connect handles all of the sales tracking for you! Provide your consignors/vendores a detailed receipt of what sold and allow them to go online and see how much is due to them and what sold, print out old payout receipts and more.


Check us out! 






Mike Perkins

Message 99 of 127

I know this is a fairly old post and I’ve been reading through all the comments but is there a consignment “software” that you can use strictly with a tablet/iPad/ iPhone? I don’t have a desktop or a laptop and I’m trying to open my business without going into debt. Could anyone help me with that? 

Message 100 of 127
Square Champion

I know Ricochet just released a new version and I believe you can now use their software from a tablet but it doesn't integrate directly with Square. I solve this problem by exporting the items I enter daily and importing them into square. I then mark all items as sold by recreating one big sale the next day in ricochet. 

I didn't like the Rose consignment software for many reasons. Ricochet is $109 a month. I've been using it for 2 years now. 

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
Message 101 of 127



Rose is web-based, so any device with a browser can essentially use Rose. That being said, it is designed for tablet size devices and larger, preferably a computer. Real keyboards are always better than on-screen keyboards for intensive data entry. What sets Rose apart from the many other consignment options out there is the ability to not have to import and export inventory into other software on a daily basis, manually enter sales into another program or try to make Square track things it wasn't really designed to track - consignment. Our integration with Square allows you to use Square to it's full potential - itemized text and email receipts, detailed sales tracking within the dashboard, invoicing, etc. If you are just using Square as a credit card processor, you are missing out!


We own three consignment stores and we grew to a point where we needed legitimate integration because we didn't want to leave Square's marketing and loyalty program. Most shouldn't wait until they are as busy as we were before making the switch. Learn from our mistakes! The sooner you integrate the sooner you can free up those extra daily minutes or even hours (end of month) the sooner you can spend that extra time growing your business!


We are fully bought into Square so as Square expands their API's for developers, we will follow with more feature integration. 


When you are free, schedule a phone call so we can understand your needs and help you determine if Rose would be a good fit for you, as it doesn't help us to sell you on something you that doesn't fit your business. Or you can schedule a walk-through of the software too if you like. 


Our Square Appointment Site







Message 102 of 127

HI Twice. Generally the cost of paying for the use of (not ownership of) a software to be used on a mobile device is around $100 per month (for one user, for one location). The cost goes up for multiple users, multiple locations. "Don't want to go in debt..." On the other hand if you were to purchase a good refurbished computer (w/1 year warranty) for $300 and software for $400 to $600, payments would end (@ $100/mo) after 7 or 9 months. Assuming $100/month for 5 years: $6,000 as compared to a one-time cost of $700 to $900. Best Consignment Shop Software is one payment for lifetime use with no forced monthly or annual payment for support, software, or any other 'expense'[Redacted]

Message 103 of 127

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Leaving product in consignment


How can I record in my inventory that I leave items in consignment?


I would come back days later to meet the consignee (seller), charge her/him for any sold items and refill with more consigned items. 

Message 104 of 127

Hello @JanetC. There isn't a way to manage inventory in consignment without using a workaround. A few sellers have posted how they manage consignment sales in a few different threads but this one - Using Square for Consignment Sales is a good place to start! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 105 of 127