
Return Process is Cumbersome

We are using the Square for Retail app. When doing a return, there is no easy process to find the item the customer is trying to return. There is no way currently to scan barcodes of items being returned, and for custom amounts, if there was a cart discount applied during checkout, the item in the return screen shows the discounted amount but not the original amount, making it hard to match up. For custom amounts it also doesn't show the note/description that was entered during checkout which identifies the item.

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Whenever possible, returns should be accompanied by the original sales receipt.  When you have that, you can enter the receipt number into the POS and that sale will come up.  You can then tick off whichever item is being returned, and Square will automatically calculate the correct amount to return (accounting for discounts, etc), which makes the process much easier.  If the customer doesn't have their receipt, you can still search for their sale by using the last four digits of the charge/debit card (if the sale was processed as charge/debit), by the date that the sale took place if the customer remembers it, or by their name if you entered it when the sale was rung up.  You can also search for sales that included the item that's being returned in the Dashboard and hopefully find the sale that way.  If none of that works, you'll probably need to return the item outside of Square and manually enter it into whatever inventory software you use.

Judy T Shumway
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Hi @GlassJudy. Thanks for the response. I should have clarified in my original post, getting to the receipt/transaction is really easy with the barcode on the receipt, looking up by the credit card, etc. So we are good there. But once we get to the original transaction and start the return process is where it becomes cumbersome, especially for some of our larger and more complicated transactions, where we are dealing with custom amounts and discounts together on the same receipt.

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