
Request! Ability to Archive Items in Square for Restaurants AND Retail

Our business is a venue with many retail items that also has a bar and food truck so we use Square for Retail AND Square for Restaurants. While trying to clean up our inventory we were wanting to archive a lot of retail items that we no longer carry … but unfortunately Square does not allow you to archive items when you are using Square for Restaurants in your dashboard. We would GREATLY appreciate the ability to archive both retail and restaurant items. Surely there are restaurants out there that want to archive a dish that did not sell well but want to keep it in the archive so it shows up on reports. Please find a way to allow archiving for both platforms! Thank you.

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hi @sadmonkeytx.  If all you are concerned about are reports, then Square already does this, though not exactly as you are thinking.  Until a few years ago, I sold food items.  About 4 years ago, I decided to get out of the food business.  So I deleted all of my items in my library that were food related.  However, when I go back to the years I sold food (and other now deleted items), the reports still show all of the food items, food-related modifiers, etc, even though those items are long gone.  Deleting items from our libraries doesn’t delete the item sales history and reporting.  It just removes them from our libraries.


I’m including a couple of screen shots from my 2016 item and modifier sales reports.  The items circled in red are food items that were deleted 4 years ago.  As you’ll see, they still show up in all reporting.


I hope that helps.




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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3

Hi @TheRealChipA and thank you for your response! You may already be aware, but it looks like the ability to archive items with Square for Restaurants has been added! Thank you again and thank you Square 😀

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