
More than 2 decimals for item pricing and cost

I am wondering if there is a way to price items as well as input the cost of items to extend more than 2 places past the decimal.  Example, I purchase and sell items that sometimes cost individually less than 1 cent.  I sell as an individual count, but have price points set once certain quantities are purchased.  The same is true for my purchases.  


Example.   I purchase widgets in 1000 count lots  if my lot costs $333.33 each widget then cost me $0.333  If I put each cost me $0.33 it will indicate my cost to me $330.00


I then sell my widgets at a 12 count for $5, this would be $0.417 per widget but currently could round to $0.42 which comes out of $5.04 or I could charge $0.41 so I do not over charge the customer which comes out to $4.92.  these variations add up.  If you do not agree, please just send me a penny....... 100,000,000 times and I will be very happy.  😜



Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

This is one of the many reasons I use QuickBooks for my accounting and tracking of my financials and not Square.  I can input a few more decimals than just 2.    Actually I think I put in 1 bought 1000 widgets for $100 and QuickBooks does the math and enters the item cost for me.

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Message 2 of 4

AND!!  That is how it should be.  I do not think there is that option within square for neither cost or sell price.  the quickbooks solution does resolve the cost of goods via a third party solution tracking expenses.  However that does not resolve the ringing up items for a customer.  To give a specific example, I sell Dubia roaches for Medium for an 80 count for $22.00  but I will commonly have customer request 100, 120, 125 etc.  I want to charge them at the price break of buying 80 or more.  This works out to $0.275.  If they buy only 1 it is $0.50 each,  12+ is $0.417 each,  40+ is $.30 each, 80+ is $0.275.  


I had a similar issue with the price for crickets, but instead, I just completely re-did my prices and break points for crickets.  It just should not be this difficult.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator


Hello @Tahafisaka,


Thanks for sharing your feedback and experience with setting up pricing. If you haven't already, please share your suggestions in our Ideate Room here: squ.re/ideate - Our Product Team keeps an eye on this forum as they are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this.


Please let me know if there is anything else that I can help you with!


Message 4 of 4