
Feature Request: End of Year Inventory

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "Why is there no End Of Year Inventory???"


I am sorry Square but having no end of year inventory is just unacceptable! I should be able to scan in all my remaining inventory at the end of each year and square for "retail " should tell me from what I entered at the beginning of the year to end the items that where sold as well as items that did not get sold, (stolen or other) then be able to adjust my inventory so it is correct at the start of every year. But your "retail" system cant do those simple retail requests. I not only have to know the number for myself but also for the Government!!!! This is the last blow! Iv found so many things wrong with this program! It should not be live for retail. 


- No Store Credit 

- Cant return items that have been split (cash and card)

- Now no end of year inventory! 

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

You can export your data to a spreadsheet and see what is left in inventory on Dec 31st.  Pretty much anything with data that Square doesn't do you can figure out with the exported spreadsheet data.

Message 2 of 3

Even if i transferred all my products from square to a spreadsheet that still would not help me I need to wring in all the current product on Dec 31st and have Square show me what products where not sold or scanned in on dec 31sr so i can see what was stolen in my shop the i should be able to tell square to consolidate my inventory so that i start fresh every year with correct inventory.  Also we pay very good money for this retail program, it should have simple retail needs. Thank you so much for your suggestion its more then Square did for me.

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