
Categories Not Syncing to Square from WooCommerce/Shopventory

We have a website that uses WooCommerce, and pulls inventory from Shopventory, with Square as the payment portal. Our issue is with the daily sales/emails reporting out of Square. The products are reporting to be as "Uncategorized" even though they all are assigned a category within Shopventory. For some reason, when the transaction gets reported back through Square, the category is not pulling properly and all the products are coming up as uncategorized. This makes Shopventory report that two items have been purchased, one in the actual category, and one in uncategorized. (Although the actual transaction is only being recorded once.)


Everything has categories already in Shopventory/Square/Woocommerce, the data is just not coming through the sales reports.


Are there any solutions for this?

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Message 1 of 5

Hi @mullin- Have you spoken to Shopventory about this reporting issue yet? They're the ones who handle the integration so I'm curious as to what they have to say if you've already talked with them.

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 2 of 5

Hi @nika - We have not spoken to Shopventory.


One clarification…the issue is that the category is not pulling into Square when the sale transaction comes through WooCommerce and when the customer pays via credit card with Square as the merchant.  The sale transaction comes into Shopventory and properly relieves the inventory item, and then reports a ‘ghost’ item sale.  


The reporting picks up the product sale accurately, but then also posts a duplicate of the item with the size as an uncategorized item, so the reporting is not accurate.  The good news is that the inventory itself is working correctly, but our daily email reports from Square are inaccurate.


Is all this still a Shopventory issue, not Square?

Message 3 of 5

Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification @mullin. It looks like one of our Community sellers was having the same issue here, but shared a fix. However, if that fix doesn't apply to you or your situation with your items, I would go ahead and reach out to our CS team so they can take a look at some things on the back end. Hopefully they're able to get you on the right track here.

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 5

@nika - Thanks for the recommendation, but it did not help us. We were able to talk to Shopventory more, and ultimately found out that it is a function of the Woo/Square integration that is making our Square reports incorrect, not Shopventory. In Shopventory however, we were able to set up a new location in Square, and it did resolve the duplication issue inside Shopventory.

Unfortunately, Square still does not recognize the item and its related category, so that reporting is still bad, but the category sales report in Shopventory is good. We are wondering if it is an issue with Woo/Square incorrectly reporting items with variants, and making them be "uncategorized" maybe it isn't supported? The items with the issue are t-shirts. 

Message 5 of 5