
Are any restrictions available without Team Plus?

Without a Team Plus subscription are there any restrictions available for staff vs owners?  Right now all my employees are receiving daily sales reports, reminders to do payroll, and a copy of everyone else's W-2s.  Thankfully my staff currently consists of only family & friends.  I'm not looking to do any detailed restrictions.  I just want the staff to not get reports that should only go to the owner.  It seems ridiculous that it would require a "premium" service to not have the entire staff get everyone's W-2s. How is this not part of a basic payroll service?

Message 1 of 5
Square Champion

Hi @thejd99.  Team Permissions has changed a bit since I signed up with Square a decade ago.  So, I did a quick review to be sure that I knew how it worked now for new sellers, using the basic/free tier.  I’ve used Teams Plus for so long, I had forgotten!  Anyway……


First, it sounds like you might have all of your existing employees assigned to the Owner team permission set.  This is one of the pre-defined permission sets provided by Square and it gives access to everything!  I would recommend that you edit each employee and determine what their permission set is.  Other than you (the owner), they should probably be assigned to the Team Permissions permission set.  Change as needed.  You’ll note other pre-defined permission sets (Manager, etc) which can be used as well, and most likely these can be edited.


In my opinion the Square Help is confusing here.  It implies that there is only one permission set, period.  What it probably should say is that there is only one “Team” permission set allowed under the free tier.


Teams Plus would allow you to create multiple Team Permission sets to give some team members more or less permissions than others.  It also unlocks a lot of other stuff.


Let me know if you do find that your employees had the wrong permission set, or if I need to dig deeper.  But I think this should resolve your issue.




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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

जो है सो है
Message 2 of 5

@TheRealChipA When I set up the team I assigned them a "Job", which includes Owner, Manager, etc. which doesn't seem to do anything except track the employee's role.  But as far as permissions the only thing I can choose is "Team Permissions".  So right now everyone regardless of their "Job" has Team Permissions assigned because it says subscription is required for anything else.  Here is a screenshot of what I get:

Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 11.47.43 AM.png


Message 3 of 5
Square Champion

Ok.  Obviously there have been some changes to the basic tier from when I set things up decades ago.  And since I have the Plus subscription, I can’t recreate your issue.  So….. Have you checked your Team Permissions setup?  It sounds like you have all permissions checked which is definitely not right. You’d check this at Team -> Permissions.


If “Full Access” is checked, this is definitely the problem.  You’d want to turn that off and then review each of the permission sections to decide which you want your team to be able to access and which you don’t.  This should lock things down for everyone except you as the main account owner.


Otherwise, if you are still stuck you should get on the phone with the Customer Success Team.  Until I’ve created a new test account with Square to mimic being a first-time Square seller, I’m at a loss for what you are up against now!  Apologies for that shortcoming on my part.


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

जो है सो है
Message 4 of 5

Thanks for trying!  I spoke with Customer Service and they led me to the Team Permissions.  I just can't believe I'm expected to pay another $35/month x 2 locations, on top of the $35/month I am already paying for Payroll.  I only have between 1 and 5 employees at any time.  I think I'm better off doing Payroll thru something other than Square.  That way I don't need the staff set up individually in Square and permissions would be a non-issue.  I know I can get Payroll services cheaper than $105/month.

Message 5 of 5