Beta Member

Why are items remaining in the cart after a team member logs out?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Items Remain in Cart After Logging Out ]

I've noticed ever since we got onboarded onto the new checkout interface/the recent update that when an employee logs out with items in the cart, the contents remain if another employee logs in.

I could be wrong about this, but if my memory serves me right; on the previous checkout interface/update, when an employee logged out in this manner, the items did not persist for another employee unless the original employee logged back in.


Wondering if this is something that can be reintroduced. 

Message 1 of 6
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Thank you so much for your patience, @jettys


I was able to confirm with the team that this is a suspected bug, and they have filed a ticket on your behalf. I don't have an ETA at the moment, but I will keep an eye out for any new updates that I can share here with you. 


Thanks again for calling this out, and bringing it to our attention!! 

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Message 5 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hi @jettys 👋


Can you clarify a bit more, or provide a screenshot of the screen you are referring to? I just want to make sure I'm understanding the exact nature of the issue. Is the employee logging out before a transaction is completed? Previously, if the screen was cleared, did the new employee need to re-enter the order? 


Thanks in advance for any additional details you can provide! I'll be on the lookout for your response. 👀

Message 2 of 6
Beta Member

Can't necessarily provide a screenshot for it — but yes, it's before any transactions have been completed; just items in the cart in general. For example, a lot of our employees will scan an item to find the price or give a price to a customer and won't remove the said item, the computer will then time-out the employee, or they will log out themselves but either way, now when another employee logs in the items are still in the cart.

Like said before, my memory could be wrong about this but I believe on the previous update/interface when an employee would do this (leave items in the cart and log out), when someone else logged in; there wouldn't be anything in the cart unless it's the original employee who added those items onto the cart logging in. 

Hope this makes sense.

Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Ahh, I see what you are saying now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. This could definitely be an intended change, but I will check in with the team to see if I can get some clarity on this for you! 


Teams are limited on the weekend, so I may not have more information till early in the upcoming week, but I'll make sure to post back here as soon as possible. 


If there's anything else you notice that seems off or different since the update, please feel free to @ me in this thread, and I'll include it in my inquiry.


Thanks again for bringing this up, and I appreciate your patience in advance while I work on gathering details. 😊

Message 4 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Thank you so much for your patience, @jettys


I was able to confirm with the team that this is a suspected bug, and they have filed a ticket on your behalf. I don't have an ETA at the moment, but I will keep an eye out for any new updates that I can share here with you. 


Thanks again for calling this out, and bringing it to our attention!! 

Message 5 of 6
Beta Member

Thank you for the update, this is great to know! 🙂 

Message 6 of 6