
How can I open a cash drawer from Dashboard?

 We use a desktop computer with our Square terminal, and staff check out customers using the Virtual Terminal - card transactions then automatically go to the Square terminal for the customer to complete. 


 I'm having a hard time opening a new cash drawer - it seems I can't do this from dashboard?  The only way I seem to be able to do it is if I disconnect my Square Terminal from the Virtual Terminal completely - and do all the transactions on the itty bitty Square Terminal screen.  We have a ton of SKUs and older staff who cannot see the Square terminal screen well enough to do that. 

 Without an open cash drawer though, we can't accurately report a cash payment in virtual terminal -  because the "record cash payment" function doesn't work without an open cash drawer.   We've been using "record other payment" and the cash amount in the comments section but it's driving my bookkeeper insane. 

 Please tell me there is a way to open a cash drawer from dashboard??  We don't use an iPad because it just hasn't been in the budget and again, older employees can't get used to it. 

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey @EnbyBabyStore,


Thanks for being a member of the Community.


I want to make sure we provide you with the most accurate information.


Can you confirm if you have a USB or Printet Driven cash drawer?


I look forward to your reply.



Message 2 of 4

Were you able to figure this out? I am having the same issue.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi @YourKingdomComb I see this is your first post in the Seller Community, so I'd like to officially welcome you! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘



To confirm you are using the cash drawer with your virtual terminal? What brand and model drawer do you have? When you have a moment please provide more details, so I can better assist. Thank you!



Message 4 of 4