
Taking future scheduled orders ONLY

Hi, I'm working on weebly site so customers may pre-order for a specific time.  later in the day.  Orders must be placed before we are open for business., as we are too busy once we open.  I'm trying to make it convenient for customers who know what they want early in the day.  We have limited hours, and once we open, it's very hard to get through on the phone.   I see no way to remove the default pick up time, (as soon as possible, etc.). I need the exact time they want their order, and if the time requested doesn't work for us, I can text or e-mail a new time. 

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Hi @Bluebirdpizza,


There is a couple of things to do here. For taking orders in advance, you will want to utilize the pickup scheduling, with this enabled customers will be able to choose from among the hours and days you provided, (your pickup hours). Here is the in-store pickup guide for Weebly, there is a section on pickup scheduling.


Regarding for not allowing them to order online during business hours. This is a manual process to turn off the in-store pickup and delivery. You have to go to the Settings > Pickup & Delivery page on your Online Store Dashboard. Click the toggle switch next to each location to disable pickup orders. Bonus: if this is a repeatable task, as you know your business hours and you want this to happen every day. You could write a script using the Weebly API, to do this for you.

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Thanks for your reply.  Since I only need and want to utilize scheduled pick-ups, it would be better to not give any other option. 

Message 3 of 4

HI - did you figure it out?  I want to allow not allow ASAP pick ups.

thank you,

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