
Stop Gift Cards From Printing on Kitchen Printer Ticket

I have see other posts like this without an anser:  https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Questions-How-To/Receipt-for-Gift-Card-Sale-printer-setting/m-p/3...


I have uncategorized disable on the kitchen printer but gift card sales keep coming out there.  There are only a couple categories assigned to this kitchen ticker printer so how on earth do you just stop GC's from printing there?!  it's getting annoying.


They do not seem to be in ANY category as the KDS does not show them and that has ALL categories assigned, so this is silly they can't be excluded from the ticket printer.  Kitchen has no need to see those.

Message 1 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Hey @CColotti,


Thanks for being a member of the Community!

I acknowledge that this situation can be frustrating. However, I have a few additional questions to assist you better.


Are these gift cards purchased online? Do you have your Kitchen printer profile set up to print online orders?


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Message 2 of 5

These are physical cards scanned at the register on a restaurant sale which by default adds them to the check.  The only button is to SEND there is no simple SAVE option on the new check, so sending it prints it.  Has nothing to do with online sales or the online profile.  There is no category to exclude for the GC's shown..



SO it will Send it to the ticket...and it always prints out on the kitchen printer there is no way to exclude this category as it's not shown as an option.  This has been an issue as I can tell back to posts in 2022..

Message 3 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Thank you, @CColotti! There is no category to exclude Gift Cards at this time.


Please share your suggestions in our Ideate Room here- Our Product Team keeps an eye on this forum as they are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this.


I understand this can be frustrating, and I appreciate your feedback.


Message 4 of 5

As I found this has been an issue dating back a year.  How has this simple ticket issue not been addressed in over a year.  Customer walks in buys a gift card and the kitchen gets a printout?   That’s just beyond silly.  That is clearly a BUG that does not need a feature request. 

gift cards should simply never print a kitchen ticket.  Ever.  

Message 5 of 5