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I would like for my cook (in the back) to see the orders I am taking up front so he knows what to cook. Should I just purchase another Square stand?
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A few ways to go about this one...
-If you already have a receipt printer, you can set up a printer station where specific categories will print an order ticket. Set this printer station up in addition to your receipt printer station: yes, Square will use the same printer for multiple stations without an issue. This way is probably the least expensive since you're using the same hardware. The only problem is making sure the cook gets that order ticket!
-If you want the kitchen to have a dedicated printer but don't have the $$ to shell out for another printer, I recommend looking at a Kitchen Display System. Square has partnered with a few developers for this, but I'm mostly familiar with the Fresh KDS one. For the cost of a tablet (I'm currently using a $70 Intel Nextbook from Walmart) and a $20/month fee, you can have the KDS display be your printer. Check out their site for the low down. Please note that the only way the lower-priced tablets consistently work with FreshKDS is when they are line-of-sight and within 15-20 feet of your wireless router. They're pretty finicky once you get too far away from your router.....
-If you do have an extra printer or the capital to put another printer in the queue, check Square's Supported Printer list and get one in for your kitchen. You'll probably want a bluetooth or ethernet printer depending on your configuration. USB printers have to be pretty close by the stand to make things happen. Then it's just the matter of configuring a printer station like I talked about above.
Hope this helps!
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.
Happy Selling!