
Categories not populating when importing from excel template

Categories entered in Excel template are not populating on items dashboard. 

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1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @WineSneak


Is your browser up to date? Sometimes if your browser is outdated, this can cause issues with Excel. 


Do you get any kind of error message? If you have any screenshots or screen recordings you can share, that will also help me see what could be going on. 


In the meantime, try these troubleshooting steps after making sure your browser is up to date: 

  • Make sure you’re using the most up to date template from your Square Dashboard. To access it from your Item Library, click Actions > Export Library > Export.
  • Be sure to save the file as .xlsx or .csv format. The item import tool won’t work with .xls, .xlsm or any other file type.
  • Don’t change the file name from what the template downloaded as.
  • Remove any commas from text you’ve added to the file (you can add them back to your item names, descriptions, option sets or modifiers once they’ve been imported to your library).
  • When editing the template, don’t:
    • change any information in the Token column
    • reorder any columns
    • delete any empty columns
  • Double check that all of your items have unique names.
  • Items and their variations must have the same category and description.

If none of these work, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team, as they will be able to help you troubleshoot further. 


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Message 2 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @WineSneak


Is your browser up to date? Sometimes if your browser is outdated, this can cause issues with Excel. 


Do you get any kind of error message? If you have any screenshots or screen recordings you can share, that will also help me see what could be going on. 


In the meantime, try these troubleshooting steps after making sure your browser is up to date: 

  • Make sure you’re using the most up to date template from your Square Dashboard. To access it from your Item Library, click Actions > Export Library > Export.
  • Be sure to save the file as .xlsx or .csv format. The item import tool won’t work with .xls, .xlsm or any other file type.
  • Don’t change the file name from what the template downloaded as.
  • Remove any commas from text you’ve added to the file (you can add them back to your item names, descriptions, option sets or modifiers once they’ve been imported to your library).
  • When editing the template, don’t:
    • change any information in the Token column
    • reorder any columns
    • delete any empty columns
  • Double check that all of your items have unique names.
  • Items and their variations must have the same category and description.

If none of these work, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team, as they will be able to help you troubleshoot further. 


Message 2 of 2